Normalizing flow-based variational inference (flow VI) is a promising approximate inference approach, but its performance remains inconsistent across studies. Numerous algorithmic …
Given observed data and a probabilistic generative model, Bayesian inference searches for the distribution of the model's parameters that could have yielded the data. Inference is …
Variational families with full-rank covariance approximations are known not to work well in black-box variational inference (BBVI), both empirically and theoretically. In fact, recent …
Normalizing flows have shown great success as general-purpose density estimators. However, many real world applications require the use of domain-specific knowledge, which …
Although there is much recent work developing flexible variational methods for Bayesian computation, Gaussian approximations with structured covariance matrices are often …
Predictive posterior densities (PPDs) are of interest in approximate Bayesian inference. Typically, these are estimated by simple Monte Carlo (MC) averages using samples from the …
Although there is much recent work developing flexible variational methods for Bayesian computation, Gaussian approximations with structured covariance matrices are often …
Frequently, population studies feature pyramidally-organized data represented using Hierarchical Bayesian Models (HBM) enriched with plates. These models can become …
Neuroimaging investigates the brain's architecture and function using magnetic resonance (MRI). To make sense of the complex observed signal, Neuroscientists posit explanatory …