The behavioral immune system: Current concerns and future directions

JM Ackerman, SE Hill, DR Murray - Social and Personality …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The behavioral immune system is a motivational system that helps minimize infection risk by
changing cognition, affect, and behavior in ways that promote pathogen avoidance. In the …

Behavioral immune system linked to responses to the threat of COVID-19

A Makhanova, MA Shepherd - Personality and Individual Differences, 2020 - Elsevier
People possess psychological processes that help them avoid pathogens, which is
particularly important when novel infectious diseases (eg, COVID-19) spread through the …

Keep your (social) distance: Pathogen concerns and social perception in the time of COVID-19

A Olivera-La Rosa, EG Chuquichambi… - … and individual differences, 2020 - Elsevier
Previous research suggests that individual differences in pathogen disgust sensitivity and
social anxiety predict avoidance behavior, especially of pathogen cues, and reduced …

The behavioural immune system and pandemic psychology: The evolved psychology of disease-avoidance and its implications for attitudes, behaviour, and public …

M Schaller, DR Murray, MK Hofer - European Review of Social …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This article provides an overview of the “behavioural immune system”–a suite of
psychological mechanisms that complements immunological defences by motivating pre …

Pathogen threat and intergroup prejudice using the minimal group paradigm: Evidence from a registered report

A Makhanova, EA Plant, AB Ketterman… - Evolution and Human …, 2022 - Elsevier
Infection by parasites, bacteria, and other microorganisms has been a powerful selection
pressure faced by humans and other species. Consequently, avoiding pathogens has …

Linking the behavioral immune system to COVID-19 vaccination intention: the mediating role of the need for cognitive closure and vaccine hesitancy

Ç Solak, H Peker-Dural, S Karlıdağ, M Peker - Personality and Individual …, 2022 - Elsevier
Vaccination has become one of the most effective ways of controlling the spread of COVID-
19. Consequently, revealing the evolutionary and cognitive antecedents of COVID-19 …

Do islanders have a more reactive behavioral immune system? Social cognitions and preferred interpersonal distances during the COVID-19 pandemic

I Hromatko, A Grus, G Kolđeraj - Frontiers in Psychology, 2021 -
Insular populations have traditionally drawn a lot of attention from epidemiologists as they
provide important insights regarding transmission of infectious diseases and propagation of …

Outbreaks and outgroups: Three tests of the relationship between disease avoidance motives and xenophobia during an emerging pandemic

JB Moran, JX Goh, N Kerry, DR Murray - Evolutionary Psychological …, 2021 - Springer
Given the persistent threat posed by infectious disease throughout human history, people
have a sophisticated suite of cognitive and behavioral strategies designed to mitigate …

Parasites and promiscuity: Acute disease salience leads to more restricted sexual attitudes

JB Moran, N Kerry, JX Goh… - Journal of Social and …, 2021 -
How does disease threat influence sexual attitudes and behaviors? Although research on
the influence of disease threat on social behavior has grown considerably, the relationship …

We're not of the same feather: Disgust sensitivity and reduced perceived similarity to unknown others

S Mentser, R Nussinson - Personality and Individual Differences, 2020 - Elsevier
Perceptions of interpersonal similarity are accompanied by attraction and bonding, often
leading to physical contact. Given that physical proximity to social beings increases the odds …