Presenting the physics of the most challenging problems in condensed matter using the conceptual framework of quantum field theory, this book is of great interest to physicists in …
We revisit a venerable question: what is the nature of the ordering in a superconductor? We find that the answer is properly that the superconducting state exhibits topological order in …
This book lays the foundations of the theory of fluctuating multivalued fields with numerous applications. Most prominent among these are phenomena dominated by the statistical …
In this corrected and enlarged edition of Börner's well respected textbook, you will find an up- to-date account of the interplay between particle physics and astrophysics upon which …
We study the topological phase transitions occurring in three-dimensional (3D) multicomponent lattice Abelian Higgs (LAH) models, in which an N-component scalar field is …
We study the critical behavior of three-dimensional (3D) lattice Abelian Higgs (AH) gauge models with noncompact gauge variables and multicomponent complex scalar fields, along …
We study the O (N)* transitions that occur in the 3D Z 2-gauge N-vector model and the analogous Ising* transitions occurring in the 3D Z 2-gauge Higgs model, corresponding to …
We consider multicomponent Abelian Higgs (AH) gauge theories with multiparameter scalar quartic potentials, which are extensions of the SU (N)-invariant AH theories, with a smaller …
We investigate the nature of the deconfinement transitions in three-dimensional lattice Abelian Higgs models, in which a complex scalar field of integer charge Q≥ 2 is minimally …