Our geometric concepts evolved first through the discovery of Non-Euclidean geometry. The discovery of quantum mechanics in the form of the noncommuting coordinates on the phase …
From the reviews:" This is a very interesting book containing material for a comprehensive study of the cyclid homological theory of algebras, cyclic sets and S1-spaces. Lie algebras …
This is the second of two volumes which will provide an introduction to modern developments in the representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras. The …
Novikov's conjecture on the homotopy invariance of higher signatures [28] can be formulated as follows: given a finitely presended group Γ and a compact oriented smooth …
Je voudrais fournir un survol général de la géométrie non-commutative. J'expliquerai la motivation et le programme général. Pour cela, je m'appuierai sur deux choses …
This book provides the theory for stratified spaces, along with important examples and applications, that is analogous to the surgery theory for manifolds. In the first expository …
Since the first draft of this text, which appeared in 2012 on the arXiv, the theory of higher Segal spaces has been further developed in various directions by several groups of authors …
...- H,(A, A)-HC,(A)--S-, HC, p,(A)-H,-,(A, A)-..., relating cyclic and Hochschild homology, one can see that any formula for HC,(A@ A') will not only involve HC,(A) and HC,(A'), but also the …