Takings formalism and regulatory formulas: exactions and the consequences of clarity

M Fenster - Calif. L. Rev., 2004 - HeinOnline
612 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW[Vol. 92: 609 damage the political and social processes
essential to functional and legitimate local governance. Ultimately, the Court's failure in its …

Constitutive law and environmental policy

H Doremus - Stan. Envtl. LJ, 2003 - HeinOnline
Law does much more than regulate behavior. It plays a key role in knitting the very fabric of
society, creating the background against which people conduct their lives. It helps to …

In search of an environmental ethic

AC Flournoy - Colum. J. Envtl. L., 2003 - HeinOnline
Some thirty years ago, American society awoke to a fundamental flaw in the status quo.
Existing patterns of economic activity, law and policy left certain widely-shared values …

Reanalyzing Cost-Benefit Analysis: Toward a Framework of Function (s) and Form (s)

RB Ahdieh - NYUL Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
Federal regulation of the financial markets has been contested from its earliest days. In
succession, the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 faced strong …

Too much science in environmental law

A Babich - Colum. J. Envtl. L., 2003 - HeinOnline
" How can we go forward when we don't know which way we're facing?" Near the dawn of
modern regulation of toxic pollution, one of the fundamental problems the US Environmental …

Green Harms of Green Projects

JC Nagle - Notre Dame JL Ethics & Pub. Pol'y, 2013 - HeinOnline
President Obama has proclaimed that" we are ushering in a new era of green energy that
will benefit our economic recovery, our security, and our long-term prosperity."'The …

Genetics and environmental law: redefining public health

JA Grodsky - Calif. L. Rev., 2005 - HeinOnline
The Article also sounds a cautionary note. It evaluates scientific roadblocks that must be
overcome if the new science is to benefit law and regulation rather than generate scientific …

The Costs of Creating Environmental Markets: A Commodification Primer

M Pappas, VB Flatt - UC Irvine L. Rev., 2018 - HeinOnline
Can environmental problems be" solved" with a market solution? In some cases, policies
suggest that the answer is yes, and market-based environmental programs already exist …

Environmental harms, use conflicts, and neutral baselines in environmental law

TS Aagaard - Duke LJ, 2010 - HeinOnline
Accounts of environmental law that rely on concepts of environmental harm and
environmental protection oversimplify the tremendous variety of uses of environmental …

World religions and clean water laws

D Fisher-Ogden, SR Saxer - Duke Envtl. L. & Pol'y F., 2006 - HeinOnline
Shelley Ross SaxerII It is also the breath, along with water and thought, that connects all living …