Cost-sensitive face recognition

Y Zhang, ZH Zhou - IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and …, 2009 -
Most traditional face recognition systems attempt to achieve a low recognition error rate,
implicitly assuming that the losses of all misclassifications are the same. In this paper, we …

End user development of web applications

J Rode, MB Rosson, MAP Qui˜ nones - End user development, 2006 - Springer
This chapter investigates entry barriers and approaches for facilitating end-user web
application development with the particular focus on shaping web programming technology …

Programming at runtime: requirements and paradigms for nonprogrammer web application development.

J Rode, MB Rosson - hcc, 2003 -
We investigate the femibiliy of nonprogramnier web application development and propose
the creation of end-user programming tools that address the issue at a high level of …

Using XForms to simplify web programming

R Cardone, D Soroker, A Tiwari - … of the 14th international conference on …, 2005 -
The difficulty of developing and deploying commercial web applications increases as the
number of technologies they use increases and as the interactions between these …

[PDF][PDF] MVC web design patterns and rich internet applications

R Morales-Chaparro, M Linaje… - Proceedings of the …, 2007 -
Abstract l, ooking for the best design pattem to develop an application is not a trivi¿ l task¿
nd it depends on the requirements, target platform and expenence of the development group …

[PDF][PDF] A scalability study of web-native information visualization.

DW Johnson, TJ Jankun-Kelly - Graphics Interface, 2008 - Citeseer
Several web-native information visualization methods (SVG, HTML5's Canvas, native HTML)
are studied to contrast their performances at different data scales. Using Java …

System and method for web design

P Tilwani - US Patent 8,549,472, 2013 - Google Patents
A system for creating an application comprises a user interface receiving user interaction
that specifies visual properties and actions of a web application, and a code unit generating …

Automatic code generation system for transactional web applications

H Florez, E Garcia, D Muñoz - … Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2019 …, 2019 - Springer
Every day new applications appear, but several of these applications usually share a lot of
features. Some applications are based on frameworks; however, most features introduce a …

Domain driven web development with WebJinn

S Kojarski, DH Lorenz - Companion of the 18th annual ACM SIGPLAN …, 2003 -
Web application development cuts across the HTTP protocol, the client-side presentation
language (HTML, XML), the server-side technology (Servlets, JSP, ASP, PHP), and the …

Pattern-basierte Prozessbeschreibung und-unterstützung: Ein Werkzeug zur Unterstützung von Prozessen zur Anpassung von E-Learning-Materialien

B Zimmermann - 2008 -
Die Erstellung hochwertiger Lernressourcen für das E-Learning ist eine zeitaufwendige und
kostenintensive Arbeit. Daher ist es wünschenswert, existierende Lernressourcen …