Analysis of the determinants of stunting among children aged below five years in stunting locus villages in Indonesia

L Atamou, DC Rahmadiyah, H Hassan, A Setiawan - Healthcare, 2023 -
Determinants of stunting are a concern in stunting locus villages, especially in East Nusa
Tenggara, the province with the highest prevalence of stunting in Indonesia. This study aims …

Pencegahan stunting pada anak dalam persepektif islam di kota bandar lampung

R Sagala, A Malik, MB Mustofa - AKM: Aksi Kepada …, 2023 -
Stunting merupakan permasalahan utama dalam tumbuh dan kembanga anak.
Permasalahan stunting selalu identik dengan masalah kesehatan pada anak. Padahal …

[PDF][PDF] Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Stunting Pada Balita Di Puskesmas Syamtalira Aron

US Hafsah, ML AB, E Ernita… - Care: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu …, 2023 -
Stunting adalah suatu kondisi dimana anak di bawah usia 5 tahun tidak dapat tumbuh
karena kekurangan gizi kronis sehingga menyebabkan anak menjadi terlalu pendek untuk …

Pekerjaan Ibu sebagai Faktor Dominan Kejadian Stunting pada Anak Usia 24–59 Bulan

AS Utami, IM Nur - Jurnal Riset Kedokteran, 2023 -
Stunting is a condition of failure to grow in toddlers due to chronic malnutrition thus it is too
short for their age. Data from BKKBN 2017 showed that in Garut Regency is the highest in …

Linear Regression Analysis To Measure The Correlation Between Poverty Rate And Stunting Rate

S Suhaerudin, A Sumardi - Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian …, 2023 -
Children's stunting or growth disorders are becoming major global health issues, particularly
in impoverished nations. It is characterized by short height for children and affects future …

[PDF][PDF] Awareness, Motivation, and Intentions in Preventing Stunting in the Dry Land Area of Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province.

M Marni, A Zulkifli, RM Thaha… - International Journal …, 2023 -
Accepted: 20 December 2022 This study aims to determine mothers' level of awareness,
motivation, and intentions in preventing stunting in dry areas that tend to be food insecure …

Hubungan Ibu, Anak, dan Keluarga dengan Balita Stunting Usia 24-59 Bulan

NID Valentine, I Prasetyowati… - Profesional Health …, 2024 -
Pendahuluan: Stunting masih menjadi masalah gizi yang banyak terjadi pada balita.
Karakteristik ibu perlu diperhatikan karena berpengaruh terhadap proses pertumbuhan …

The Effectiveness of the Family Hope Program (PKH) Social Assistance in Increasing the Welfare of Poor Communities

H Marantek, H Sejati - Journal Research of Social …, 2023 -
This study focuses on poverty and the efforts of the government in Indonesia to improve the
welfare of the poor through the Family Hope Program (PKH). The research utilizes a …

[PDF][PDF] The implementation of learning optimization for the stunting program

FE Surbakti, I Ismail - Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2023 -
Stunting is a failure to grow in children that occurs due to a lack of nutrition that can help
children grow. In dealing with this incident, it is necessary to optimize the stunting reduction …

Ntino Ngasuh Cucung: Dari Kultural, Pola Asuh Tradisional Hingga Penyebab Stunting

T Heriawan, A Azwar, E Elfitra - Indonesian Journal of Religion …, 2021 -
This study aims to provide a new perspective in preventing stunting phenomena that occur
in the community. This article is the result of a qualitative research conducted in Koto …