The involvement application and use of crisis and emergency management and communication are increasing rapidly. This study conducts a systematic literature review to …
The rapid growth of Internet users led to unwanted cyber issues, including cyberbullying, hate speech, and many more. This article deals with the problems of hate speech on Twitter …
The popularity of short message service (SMS) has been growing over the last decade. For businesses, these text messages are more effective than even emails. This is because while …
People start posting tweets containing texts, images, and videos as soon as a disaster hits an area. The analysis of these disaster-related tweet texts, images, and videos can help …
Social Media today has become the most relevant and affordable platform to express one's views in real-time. The# Endsars protest in Nigeria and the COVID-19 pandemic have …
Place names embedded in online natural language text present a useful source of geographic information. Despite this, many methods for the extraction of place names from …
The concept of “human as sensors” defines a new sensing model, in which humans act as sensors by contributing their observations, perceptions, and sensations. This is crucial for …
Post-disaster recovery involves interdependent processes of physical and psychological rehabilitations. Over the past few years, researchers have explored geotagged social media …
Social media is widely used in emergencies, but the nature of the communication is poorly understood. We employed unsupervised topic modelling and sentiment analysis to analyse …