Fundamental properties of conditional value-at-risk (CVaR), as a measure of risk with significant advantages over value-at-risk (VaR), are derived for loss distributions in finance …
Recently, a new approach for optimization of Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) was suggested and tested with several applications. For continuous distributions, CVaR is …
Just how risky is the movie industry? Is screenwriter William Goldman's claim that" nobody knows anything" really true? Can a star and a big opening change a movie's risks and …
Portfolio analysis and optimization, together with the associated risk assessment and management, require knowledge of the likely distributions of returns at different time scales …
Using one of the key properties of copulas that they remain invariant under an arbitrary monotonic change of variable, we investigate the null hypothesis that the dependence …
A large consensus now seems to take for granted that the distributions of empirical returns of financial time series are regularly varying, with a tail exponent b close to 3. We develop a …
We estimate the probability distributions of budgets, revenues, returns, and profits to G‐, PG‐ , PG13‐, and R‐rated movies. The distributions are non‐Gaussian and show a self‐similar …
A Johansen, D Sornette - arXiv preprint cond-mat/0010050, 2000 -
Drawdowns are essential aspects of risk assessment in investment management. They offer a more natural measure of real market risks than the variance or other cumulants of daily (or …
This paper suggests two new heuristic algorithms for optimization of Value-at-Risk (VaR). By definition, VaR is an estimate of the maximum portfolio loss during a standardized period …