Mobile participatory sensing could be used in many applications such as vehicular traffic monitoring, pollution tracking, or even health surveying. However, its success depends on …
Mobile participatory sensing (MPS) could benefit many application domains. A major domain is smart transportation, with applications such as vehicular traffic monitoring, vehicle …
À partir des enquêtes, le trafic n'est pas une donnée, mais il est plutôt construit à partir d'hypothèses portant sur les relations entre des origines et des destinations. En vue de …
Riding the wave of smart disclosure initiatives and new privacy-protection regulations, the Personal Cloud paradigm is emerging through a myriad of solutions offered to users to let …
Nowadays, the advances in the development of mobile devices, as well as embedded sensors have permitted an unprecedented number of services to the user. At the same time …
La collecte mobile d'information géographique volontaire (communément appelée VGI) se développe rapidement, transformant les citoyens en capteurs. Elle s' applique à …
Mobile participatory sensing could be used in many applications such as vehicular traffic monitoring, pollution tracking, or even health surveying. However, its success dependson …