Estimation of C Storage and Annual Uptake by Street Trees in Gyeonggi-do

EJ Park, KY Kang - Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology, 2010 -
We estimated and compared C storages and annual $ CO_2 $ uptakes by 9 dominant tree
species planted along the streets. DBH and age by tree species were measured in the sites …

Influence factors of street environment for provision and management of street green

BH Han, JI Kwak, HS Kim - Korean Journal of Environment and …, 2013 -
This study was correlation analysis between provision and management of street green and
street environment through field survey about city official roads (93 routes, 629.2 km) in …

[PDF][PDF] Urban tree planting and greenhouse gas reductions

G McPherson - Arborist News, 2007 - Citeseer
and wood. Over the lifetime of a tree, several tons of carbon dioxide are taken up
(McPherson and Simpson 1999). Second, by providing shade and transpiring water, trees …

The CO2 Reduction Potential Calculation through the Urban Park Construction

EY Lee, MS Kang, JK Kim - KIEAE journal, 2014 -
This study is to identify quantitatively the function of carbon dioxide emissions reduction due
to temperature and energy reduction according to direct carbon dioxide storage, shade …

[HTML][HTML] 가로녹지조성및관리를위한가로환경영향요인분석연구-서울시관리도로를대상으로

한봉호, 곽정인, 김홍순 - 한국환경생태학회지, 2013 -
This study was correlation analysis between provision and management of street green and
streetenvironment through field survey about city official roads (93 routes, 629.2㎞) in Seoul …

[PDF][PDF] KIEAE Journal

EY Lee, MS Kang, JK Kim -
Changes in the use of land such as urban development at global level instigate the
emmission of 1.6 gigatons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year despite the …

[PDF][PDF] 멀티센서융합측위시스템을이용한가로수탄소저장량산정시스템개발

김정섭, 양금철 - 한국산학기술학회논문지, 2017 -
요 약 본 연구에서는 멀티 센서 융합 측위 시스템 (Mobile Mapping System, MMS) 기술을
도입하여 가로수의 생육 전 과정에 따른 탄소저장량을 효과적으로 산정할 수 있는 최적화된 …

Development of System for Calculating Carbon Storage Amount of Roadside Tree Using Mobile Mapping System

JS Kim, KC Yang - Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial …, 2017 -
This study developed a new methodology to evaluate the carbon storage using a Mobile
Mapping System according to the life cycle of street trees. The system for calculating the …