Multi-trait selection for mean performance and stability among soybean genotypes evaluated under rainfed conditions across diverse environments in India

V Nataraj, S Gupta, KH Singh, M Shivakumar… - Genetika, 2023 -
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is the predominant rainfed Indian oilseed crop cultivated
across diverse agro-climatic zones. Understanding the genotype× environment interaction …

[PDF][PDF] Fron tiers in Crop Im prove ment

AB Chougule, SS Deshmukh… - Volume 11 Special … -
The in ves ti ga tion of im pact of sow ing dates on a cot ton hy brid was car ried out dur ing
the Kharif sea son of 2021-22 at the ex per i men tal farm of the De part ment of Ag ri cul tural …