Debt management when monetary and fiscal policies clash: some empirical evidence

M Hodula, A Melecký - Journal of applied economics, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
We explore the effects of fiscal and monetary policy shocks on key debt management
variables and provide empirical evidence supporting the notion of a strict separation of …

Fiscal-monetary-financial stability interactions in a data-rich environment

M Hodula, L Pfeifer - Review of Economic Perspectives, 2018 -
In this paper, we shed some light on the mutual interplay of economic policy and the
financial stability objective. We contribute to the intense discussion regarding the influence …

Türkiye'de para politikasının risk alma kanalı: T-FAVAR yönteminden yeni asimetrik bulgular

U Akkoç, Ö Özgür - Business and Economics Research Journal, 2021 -
2008 krizi sonrasında keşfedilen parasal aktarım mekanizmalarından risk alma kanalı, faiz
indirimlerinin bankaların risk alma davranışlarında yarattığı değişikliklerle ekonomide etkili …

[HTML][HTML] Placing the Czech shadow banking sector under the light

M Hodula, M Macháček, A Melecký - Prague Economic Papers, 2020 -
The size of the shadow banking sector (SBS) has more than doubled in the Czech Republic
over the last decade. This places a potential burden on policy makers. On the one hand, the …

The Impact of Credit Booms and Economic Policy on Labour Productivity: A Sectoral Analysis.

M Hodula, L Pfeifer - Economic Studies & Analyses/Acta …, 2018 -
Recent empirical evidence suggests that during economic booms, factors of production
(especially labour) may shift into less productive and more pro-cyclical sectors of the …

The Impact of Credit Booms and Economic Policy on Labour Productivity: A Sectoral Analysis1 Dopad úvěrového boomu a hospodářských politik na produktivitu práce …

Recent empirical evidence suggests that during economic booms, factors of production
(especially labour) may shift into less productive and more pro-cyclical sectors of the …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluating Restricted Common Factor models for non-stationary data

FDIS Fachin -
Approximate factor models with restrictions on the loadings may be interesting both for
structural analysis (simpler structures are easier to interpret) and forecasting (parsimonious …