Weak integrability breaking perturbations of integrable models

FM Surace, O Motrunich - Physical Review Research, 2023 - APS
A quantum integrable system slightly perturbed away from integrability is typically expected
to thermalize on timescales of order τ∼ λ− 2, where λ is the perturbation strength. We here …

Typicality of nonequilibrium quasi-steady currents

X Xu, C Guo, D Poletti - Physical Review A, 2022 - APS
The understanding of the emergence of equilibrium statistical mechanics has progressed
significantly thanks to developments from typicality, canonical and dynamical, and from the …

A method to discriminate between localized and chaotic quantum systems

YA Alaoui, B Laburthe-Tolra - arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.10706, 2023 - arxiv.org
We derive a criterion that distinguishes whether a generic isolated quantum system initially
set out of equilibrium can be considered as localized close to its initial state, or chaotic. Our …

Simulating a two-component Bose-Hubbard model with imbalanced hopping in a Rydberg tweezer array

Y Zhang, A Gaddie, HV Do, GW Biedermann… - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
Optical tweezer arrays of neutral atoms provide a versatile platform for quantum simulation
due to the range of interactions and Hamiltonians that can be realized and explored. We …

Monte Carlo Bethe-ansatz approach for the study of the Lieb-Liniger model

ZH Zhang, YC Yu, YY Chen, S Cheng, XW Guan - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
We have developed a Monte Carlo algorithm to explore the equilibrium and out-of-
equilibrium properties of the Lieb-Liniger model. This Monte Carlo Bethe-ansatz (MCBA) …

Dynamical control in a prethermalized molecular ultracold plasma: Local dissipation drives global relaxation

R Wang, A Allahverdian, S Colombini… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2024 - arxiv.org
Prethermalization occurs as an important phase in the dynamics of many-body systems
when strong coupling drives a quasi-equilibrium in a subspace separated from the …

Entanglement detection in postquench nonequilibrium states: thermal Gibbs vs. generalized Gibbs ensemble

F Iglói, C Király - arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.07897, 2024 - arxiv.org
We use entanglement witnesses related to the entanglement negativity of the state to detect
entanglement in the $ XY $ chain in the postquench states in the thermodynamic limit after a …

Quench dynamics in the one-dimensional mass-imbalanced ionic Hubbard model

Z Xie, M Zhao, H Lu, Z Huang, GA Fiete, X Hu, L Du - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
Using the time-dependent Lanczos method, we study the nonequilibrium dynamics of the
one-dimensional ionic-mass imbalanced Hubbard chain driven by a quantum quench of the …

Linked cluster expansion on trees

D Iyer, Y Wan - Physical Review E, 2023 - APS
The linked cluster expansion has been shown to be highly efficient in calculating equilibrium
and nonequilibrium properties of a variety of 1D and 2D classical and quantum lattice …

The effect of dressing on thermalization of interacting waves

Z Wang, Y Zhang, H Zhao - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.07300, 2022 - arxiv.org
We propose a more general setup for prethermalization in the system of interacting waves.
The idea lies in dividing the multi-wave interactions into trivial and nontrivial ones. The trivial …