Pola Internalisasi Nilai-nilai Moderasi Beragama untuk menangkal Paham Radikal di Kalangan Mahasiswa

S Sutarto - Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2022 - jurnal.staialhidayahbogor.ac.id
This qualitative research with a phenomenological approach aims to explore the pattern of
internalizing the values of religious moderation to prevent the development of radical …

Sufism Between Asceticism and Jihad: A Conceptual and Historical Review

J Suratman, H Fatarib… - Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi …, 2021 - jurnal.staidhi.com
In the picture of ordinary people, Sufism teaches Zuhud and distances itself from the world in
theory and practice. But this is different from reality. Sufism orders in the archipelago also …

Indigenous Islam and Puritan Islam in Indonesia through Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd's Hermeneutic Studies

MR Soedrajad, NA Tohir - Jurnal Islam Nusantara, 2022 - jurnalnu.com
This paper studies the essence of Islam in the discourse of Puritan Islam and Indigenous
Islam in Indonesia. The Muslim community in Indonesia is now fragmented into two distinct …

Transformation of Ponpes At-Tanwir Bojonegoro from Salaf to Modern

C Anam - Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2022 - ejournal.kopertais4.or.id
KH. Muhammaad Sholeh is a founder, caregiver and leader of the At-Tanwir Talun Islamic
boarding school, Sumberejo District, Bojonegoro Regency, he is able to bring very good …

Use of Digital Technology in Pesantren Salaf: Transition From Digitization to Digitalization

A Ridho, SM Al Manduriy… - Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi …, 2024 - jurnal.staidhi.com
Abstract Pesantrens Salaf is an Islamic educational institution that firmly upholds the values
of purity and originality of Islamic religious teachings, is faced with the challenge of following …

Nasionalisme dalam al-Qur‘ an (Studi Tematik Terhadap Ayat-ayat Nasionalisme Perspektif Ahmad Musthafa al-Maraghi)

N Hidayah, MJ Sholeh - Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi …, 2021 - ejournal.kopertais4.or.id
Nowadays, various ideologies that are pro and contra to nationalism have begun to grow
and develop. This nationalism cannot be separated from faith and religion. This is evidenced …

Penafsiran Ayat-Ayat Larangan Pembunuhan Anak (Metode Tafsir Maudhu'i Abdul Hayy Al-Farmawi)

H Salsabila - Ulumul Qur'an: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan …, 2024 - ojs.stiudq.ac.id
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan dan menafsirkan ayatayat yang
berkaitan dengan larangan pembunuhan anak dengan menggunakan metode tafsir …

Reviewing the Role of Accountants in Non Governmental Organizations (Ngos): in The Philosophy of The Characteristics of Khulafaur Rasyidin

D Putri, DS Retnosari, B Arisandi - Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi …, 2024 - jurnal.staidhi.com
This research examines the role of accountants in non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
with to study nature and characteristics Caliph Rasyidin. Research This aiming For answer …

[引用][C] Radicalism in the Study of Philosophy

M Rusly - Journal of Innovation in Teaching and …, 2023 - ejournal.karinosseff.org
The presence of diversity in Indonesia can potentially lead to the emergence of radical
actions. This article provides information in the form of a review of radicalism in the field of …