In principle, quantum key distribution (QKD) offers information-theoretic security based on the laws of physics. In practice, however, the imperfections of realistic devices might …
A central goal in quantum optics and quantum information science is the development of quantum networks to generate entanglement between distributed quantum memories …
Advanced photonic nanostructures are currently revolutionizing the optics and photonics that underpin applications ranging from light technology to quantum-information processing …
Routing quantum information between non-local computational nodes is a foundation for extensible networks of quantum processors. Quantum information transfer between arbitrary …
The polarization singularity in momentum space has recently been discovered as a new class of topological signatures of Bloch modes in photonic crystal slabs concerning the far …
The emergence of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide materials has sparked intense activity in valleytronics, as their valley information can be encoded and detected with …
Single-quantum emitters are an important resource for photonic quantum technologies, constituting building blocks for single-photon sources, stationary qubits, and deterministic …
Dissipation in mechanics, optics, acoustics, and electronic circuits is nowadays recognized to be not always detrimental but can be exploited to achieve non-Hermitian topological …
Topological photonic interfaces support topologically nontrivial optical modes with helical character. When combined with an embedded quantum emitter that has a circularly …