Obsessed with identity: the IR in post-Soviet Russia

V Morozov - Journal of International Relations and Development, 2009 - Springer
This article aims to trace the development of the discipline of International Relations (IR) in
Slovenia. It will show, firstly, how the specific Yugoslav societal context within which IR was …

A telling story of IR in the periphery: telling Turkey about the world, telling the world about Turkey

P Bilgin, OF Tanrisever - Journal of International Relations and …, 2009 - Springer
This article aims to trace the development of the discipline of International Relations (IR) in
Slovenia. It will show, firstly, how the specific Yugoslav societal context within which IR was …

Introduction to the International Relations (IR) in Central and Eastern Europe Forum

P Drulák - Journal of International Relations and Development, 2009 - Springer
This article aims to trace the development of the discipline of International Relations (IR) in
Slovenia. It will show, firstly, how the specific Yugoslav societal context within which IR was …

Kaip tirti tarptautiniussantykius konstruktyvistiškai: filosofinių prielaidų irteorinių nuostatų analizė

D JaKNIūNaITĖ, E NEKRaŠaS - politologija, 2010 - ceeol.com
Vienas didžiausių priekaištų konstruktyvizmui tarptautinių santykių disciplinoje yra jo
abstraktumas ir nesugebėjimas ką substantyvaus pasakyti apie pasaulio politiką. Šiame …

On the IR barbaricum in Slovakia

J Bátora, N Hynek - Journal of International Relations and Development, 2009 - Springer
This article aims to trace the development of the discipline of International Relations (IR) in
Slovenia. It will show, firstly, how the specific Yugoslav societal context within which IR was …

The 'take off'of the Czech IR discipline

V Kubálková - Journal of International Relations and Development, 2009 - Springer
This article aims to trace the development of the discipline of International Relations (IR) in
Slovenia. It will show, firstly, how the specific Yugoslav societal context within which IR was …

At the centre and the periphery simultaneously: the incomplete internationalization of Slovenian International Relations

P Roter - Journal of International Relations and Development, 2009 - Springer
This article aims to trace the development of the discipline of International Relations (IR) in
Slovenia. It will show, firstly, how the specific Yugoslav societal context within which IR was …

An IR community in the Baltic states: is there a genuine one?

E Berg, M Chillaud - Journal of International Relations and Development, 2009 - Springer
This article aims to trace the development of the discipline of International Relations (IR) in
Slovenia. It will show, firstly, how the specific Yugoslav societal context within which IR was …

Kinijos naratyvų apie Lietuvą oficialiajame bei žiniasklaidos diskurse konstravimas santykių su Taivanu kontekste

D Ketlerytė - 2023 - epublications.vu.lt
Abstract [eng] The Master thesis examines what narratives about Lithuania PRC constructed
in official and media discourse intended for a foreign audience (from March 1, 2021, to April …

E. Makrono Europos autonomijos vizija: 2017 m.–2022 m. pokyčiai ir priežastys

S Stražinskaitė - 2023 - epublications.vu.lt
Abstract [eng] The paper “E. Macron's vision of European autonomy: 2017-2022 changes
and drivers “studies the changes that appear in the official speeches made by the president …