MK Termeer - Journal of ancient history, 2016 -
This article reassesses the socio-political significance of coinage production by Latin colonies in the third century BC. It challenges the traditional assumption that these coinages …
This book brings together sources translated from a wide variety of ancient languages to showcase the rich history of pre-Roman Italy, including its cultures, politics, trade …
The thesis uses a database of cooking ware pottery from central Tyrrhenian Italy to consider changes in foodways between 350 BC and AD 550. Morphological changes in cooking …
K Rašlová - Graeco-Latina Brunensia, 2020 -
Abstrakt (y) Etruscan control in Italy was not constrained distinctly by the well-known region of Etruscan culture (Tuscany and northern Lazio). The Etruscan power also extended toward …
H Brandt, M Jehne, M Clauss, P Funke, HJ Gehrke… -
Das dem Buch vorangestellte Zitat Jean-François Champollions vermittelt ein eindrückliches Bild der Ehrfurcht, die den Historiker in Anbetracht der „dichten Schicht von Papyrusfetzen …
Vo vedeckom svete zastávajú Etruskovia neľahkú pozíciu medzi gréckou a rímskou civilizáciou. Po období svojho najväčšie rozkvetu (6.-4. storočie pred Kr.) sa Etruskovia …