Coral reef ecosystem services in the Anthropocene

AJ Woodhead, CC Hicks, AV Norström… - Functional …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Coral reefs underpin a range of ecosystem goods and services that contribute to the well‐
being of millions of people. However, tropical coral reefs in the Anthropocene are likely to be …

Will drought events become more frequent and severe in Europe?

J Spinoni, JV Vogt, G Naumann, P Barbosa, A Dosio - 2018 -
As a result of climate change in recent past and unsustainable land management, drought
became one of the most impacting disasters and, with the projected global warming, it is …

Perspectives of regional paleoclimate modeling

P Ludwig, JJ Gómez‐Navarro, JG Pinto… - Annals of the New …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Regional climate modeling bridges the gap between the coarse resolution of current global
climate models and the regional‐to‐local scales, where the impacts of climate change are of …

Coupled regional Earth system modelling in the Baltic Sea region

M Gröger, C Dieterich, J Haapala… - Earth System …, 2021 -
Nonlinear responses to externally forced climate change are known to dampen or amplify
the local climate impact due to complex cross-compartmental feedback loops in the Earth …

Regionally coupled atmosphere‐ocean‐sea ice‐marine biogeochemistry model ROM: 1. Description and validation

DV Sein, U Mikolajewicz, M Gröger… - Journal of Advances …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
The general circulation models used to simulate global climate typically feature resolution
too coarse to reproduce many smaller‐scale processes, which are crucial to determining the …

Pacific contribution to the early twentieth-century warming in the Arctic

L Svendsen, N Keenlyside, I Bethke, Y Gao… - Nature Climate …, 2018 -
Arctic surface temperature warmed more than twice as fast as global temperature during the
early twentieth century, similar to that during the recent global warming. This Arctic warming …

High resolution WRF climatic simulations for the Iberian Peninsula: Model validation

M Marta-Almeida, JC Teixeira, MJ Carvalho… - … of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2016 - Elsevier
A high resolution atmospheric modelling study was done for a 20-year recent historical
period. The dynamic downscaling approach adopted used the Max Planck Institute Earth …

Regional earth system modelling framework for CORDEX-SA: an integrated model assessment for Indian summer monsoon rainfall

P Kumar, AK Mishra, AK Dubey, A Javed… - Climate Dynamics, 2022 - Springer
An effort is made to implement a regional earth system model (RESM); ROM, over CORDEX-
South Asia (SA). The added value of RESM is assessed for mean precipitation, its variability …

The South Atlantic Anticyclone as a key player for the representation of the tropical Atlantic climate in coupled climate models

W Cabos, DV Sein, JG Pinto, AH Fink, NV Koldunov… - Climate Dynamics, 2017 - Springer
The key role of the South Atlantic Anticyclone (SAA) on the seasonal cycle of the tropical
Atlantic is investigated with a regionally coupled atmosphere–ocean model for two different …

Cyclone activity in the Arctic from an ensemble of regional climate models (Arctic CORDEX)

M Akperov, A Rinke, II Mokhov… - Journal of …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The ability of state‐of‐the‐art regional climate models to simulate cyclone activity in the
Arctic is assessed based on an ensemble of 13 simulations from 11 models from the Arctic …