AD Purnomo, YA Ramdan - Naditira Widya, 2022 -
Candrasengkala merupakan tetenger atau pengingat suatu peristiwa penting, seperti kelahiran, kematian, dan sebagainya. Dalam candrasengkala digunakan bentuk visual figur …
Animals, when mined for metaphors, make good custodians of spirituality. Focusing on Cirebon, this thesis explores how history and memory are recounted through the prism of the …
In Javanese culture, a symbol has become a common media to describe historical events. One of the symbols used to describe it is Sengkalan Memet. Sengkalan Memet consists of …
Linda Wijaya Samsudin. 1410310004. Peran Sunan Gunung Jati dalam Islamisasi di Cirebon. Skripsi. Jurusan Sejarah Peradaban Islam. Fakultas Ushuludin Adab Dakwah …
Candrasengkala atau kronogram sudah dikenal oleh masyarakat di Jawa sejak zaman Hindu di Nusantara. Candrasengkala merupakan tetenger atau pengingat suatu peristiwa …
C NURHAYATI - 2015 -
CAHYA NURHAYATI:“Kontribusi Pemikiran Sunan Gunung Jati terhadap Perkembangan Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat Cirebon” Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kehidupan …
A Nuris - Jurnal Tamaddun: Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan …, 2020 -
Syekh Nurjati is considered to be one of the initiators of the Islamization process in Cirebon. Their ability to socialize Islamic teachings by means of the exoteric and esoteric synergy of …
This paper aims to present the theme of history of health. The focus of this research is the change in the environment in Cirebon in the times of the Dutch colonial when there was an …
This paper aims to present the theme of history of health. The focus of this research is the change in the environment in Cirebon in the times of the Dutch colonial when there was an …