H Stezhko Yurii - HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL STUDIOS. Collection of … - kneu.edu.ua
There are under analysis the social and political trends in democratic transformations, dealt in particular with institutionalization of functions of civil society. The most popular …
ЮГ Стежко - Історико-політичні студії, 2013 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua
НАЦІОНАЛЬНА АВТЕНТИЧНІСТЬ ОСОБИСТОСТІ В НОВИХ РЕАЛІЯХ СУСПІЛЬНОГО Б Page 1 141 References 1. Nagorna, L. (2011). Social and cultural identity: traps of values …
P Bartusyak - Sententiae, 2009 - sententiae.vntu.edu.ua
An analysis of the concepts rhizome, plateau, event, sense and their use in philosophical conception of G. Deleuze are given in the article. The possibility is demonstrated and proved …