We derive a general upper bound on the spreading rate of wavepackets in the framework of Schrödinger time evolution. Our result consists of showing that a portion of the wavepacket …
We exhibit an intermittency phenomenon in quantum dynamics. More precisely, we derive new lower bounds for the moments of order p associated to the state ψ(t)=e^-itHψ and …
A method is presented for proving upper bounds on the moments of the position operator when the dynamics of quantum wavepackets is governed by a random (possibly correlated) …
We exhibit a class of Hamiltonians in dimension D≥ 3, describing a quantum particle in an aperiodic medium with absolutely continuous spectrum and subdiffusive behavior. The …
S Tcheremchantsev - Journal of Functional Analysis, 2003 - Elsevier
Let H be a self-adjoint operator on a separable Hilbert space H, ψ∈ H,|| ψ||= 1. Given an orthonormal basis B={en} of H, we consider the time-averaged moments〈| X| ψp〉(T) of the …
JM Barbaroux, S Tcheremchantsev - Journal of functional analysis, 1999 - Elsevier
We study the connections between dynamical properties of Schrödinger operators H on separable Hilbert space H and the properties of corresponding spectral measures. Our main …
J Bellissard - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2000 - Elsevier
We review the main rigorous results accumulated during the last 5 years concerning the theory of transport in aperiodic media. Motivated by the transport properties of quasicrystals …
For a class of discrete quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators defined by covariant representations of the rotation algebra, a lower bound on phase-averaged transport in terms …
F Germinet, S Tcheremchantsev - Mathematische Nachrichten, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
We study generalized fractal dimensions of measures, called the Hentschel–Procaccia dimensions and the generalized Rényi dimensions. We consider compactly supported Borel …