Models of hierarchical respiratory neuron networks

VM Eskov - Neurocomputing, 1996 - Elsevier
The concept and the models of the hierarchical respiratory neuron networks (HRNN) located
in medulla oblongata are enhanced. The HRNN is a reducible case of respiratory neuron …

A neural network model of the cerebellar cortex performing dynamic associations

F Chapeau-Blondeau, G Chauvet - Biological cybernetics, 1991 - Springer
The present paper proposes a model which applies formal neural network modeling
techniques to construct a theoretical representation of the cerebellar cortex and its …

Сравнительное исследование изменений структуры нейрон-нейронного взаимодействия в молекулярном слое мозжечка лягушки Rana temporaria под …

НП Ларионова, НВ Самосудова, ВП Реутов… - Доклады Академии …, 2001 -
Наши предыдущие работы (1—3) показали, что избыток in vitro естественных
медиаторов мозжечка (глутамата, таурина), а также различные режимы электрической …

Проблема идентичности функциональных состояний нейросетевых систем

ВМ Еськов, ОЕ Филатова - Биофизика, 2003 -
С использованием компартментного и кластерного подходов при изучении и
моделировании респираторных нейронных сетей предложены количественные …

Investigation Of The Synergetic Property Of Biomechanical Mamalia Sys-Tem With Computing Using

VM Eskov, VA Papshev, OV Klimov, DA Zharkov - 2004 -
The work presents procedure and global theory that provides the identification of synergetic
property of animal muscles. It may be in normal states, under drugs influences, under …

Компьютерная идентификация респираторных нейронных сетей

ВМ Еськов, ОЕ Филатова - 1994 -
Книга посвящена описанию инструментальных методов и программных средств,
предназначенных для исследования нейронных сетей в реальном масштабе времени …

Stability properties of cerebellar neural networks: The purkinje cell—climbing fiber dynamic module

WL Dunin-Barkowski, SL Shishkin, DC Wunsch - Neural processing letters, 1999 - Springer
In the last few decades it has been proven, that the cerebellum takes part in learning the
bulk of motor control. The mechanisms which provide such properties are still largely …

Computer simulation of a cerebellar cortex compartment: II. An information learning and its recall in the Marr's memory unit

WL Dunin-Barkowski, NP Larionova - Biological cybernetics, 1985 - Springer
Computer simulation experiments are described regarding information storage and retrieval
at a network consisting of one Purkinje cell and 20,000 granule cells. The information …

Pattern separating functioning of two-layered random nerve nets with feedforward inhibitory connections

T Torioka, N Ikeda - IEEE transactions on systems, man, and …, 1988 -
A two-layered random nerve net with feedforward inhibitory connections has the function of
separating input patterns. The function depends largely on the nerve connection form …

Cerebellum as a neuronal machine: modern talking

WL Dunin-Barkowski - Optical memory and Neural Networks, 1991 -
A short sketch of the cerebellar structure and function is presented. The list of most
spectacular cerebellar features is given in an original interpretation framework. The results …