[PDF][PDF] Uvod u znanost o medijima i kommunikologiju

M Kunczik, A Zipfel, A Rešetar, D Sušilović - 2006 - library.fes.de
2. Teorija i empirija 7 3. Komunikacija 10 3.1. Komunikacija i interakcija 10 3.2. Verbalna
komunikacija 12 3.2. 1. Funkcije i dimenzije 12 3.2. 2. Ezopovska komunikacija 14 3.2. 3. O …

[图书][B] Media policy and globalization

P Chakravartty - 2006 - books.google.com
This volume takes a fresh look at media and communications policy and provides a
comprehensive account of issues that are central to the study of the field. It moves beyond …

Globalization and the internet: Myths and realities

G Khiabany - Trends in Communication, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
Since McLuhan launched the idea of a global village to describe how media technologies
were breaking down the barriers between different nations, communication technologies …

[图书][B] China, Africa, and the Future of the Internet

I Gagliardone - 2019 - books.google.com
China is transforming Africa's information space. It is assisting African broadcasters with
extensive loans, training and exchange programmes and has set up its own media …

[图书][B] The politics of technology in Africa

I Gagliardone - 2016 - books.google.com
As more Africans get online, information and communication technologies (ICTs) are
increasingly hailed for their transformative potential. Yet, the fascination for the possibilities …

Power and interests in information and communication and development: exogenous and endogenous discourses in contention

R Mansell - Journal of international development, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This paper illustrates the persistence of an exogenous model of development that underpins
many interventions aimed at employing information and communication technologies (ICTs) …

[图书][B] Kommunikationspolitik in Deutschland: Eine Einführung

J Tonnemacher - 2003 - books.google.com
Nach einem historischen Abriss über die Kommunikationspolitik in Deutschland geht der
Autor auf die gesellschaftliche und politische Bedeutung der Medien ein, erläutert die …

International organizations ICTs policies: e‐democracy and e‐government for political development

F Amoretti - Review of policy research, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
New technologies provide new channels of access to political information and participation
in decision‐making processes. This assumption is clearly important in the action plans and …

Communication networking: ICTs and health information in Africa

T Ojo - Information development, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper examines the uses of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the
African health sector. In particular, it shows the benefits that ICTs can bring to African health …

Are African women online just ICT consumers?

MB Robins - Gazette (Leiden, Netherlands), 2002 - journals.sagepub.com
/As Africa's women struggle to enlarge their spheres of influence in political, economic and
social arenas, the question is whether the Internet and other digital technologies can …