J Svejnar - Handbook of labor economics, 1999 - Elsevier
In this chapter, I survey principal econometric studies of several important labor market issues in Central and East European countries as they launched the transition from central …
Most labor economics textbooks pay little attention to actual labor markets, taking as reference a perfectly competitive market in which losing a job is not a big deal. The …
G Betcherman, A Dar, K Olivas - 2004 - documents.worldbank.org
Active labor market programs (ALMPs) are used to reduce the risk of unemployment and to increase the earnings capacity of workers. Particular interventions include employment …
T Boeri, K Terrell - Journal of economic perspectives, 2002 - aeaweb.org
The transition process differed in the countries of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) and those of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in terms of reallocation of labor real wage …
This books deals with labour reallocation in the midst of structural change, drawing on the experience of economic transition in formerly planned economies. It details those features of …
This paper studies gross worker flows to explain the rise in informality in Brazilian metropolitan labor markets from 1983 to 2002. In particular, we examine the impact of trade …
MC Burda, S Profit - Labour Economics, 1996 - Elsevier
The increase in dispersion of regional unemployment in the Czech Republic despite low overall joblessness is suggestive of low labour mobility. At the same time, standard matching …
Die Lănder Mittel-und Osteuropas vollziehen seit 1989 einen geseIlschaftlichen TransformationsprozeB, ftir den es kein historisches Vorbild gibt. Der institutionelle Umbruch …
S Burgess, S Profit - Labour Economics, 2001 - Elsevier
We provide empirical evidence on the nature of spatial externalities in a matching model for Britain. We use a monthly panel of outflows, unemployment and vacancy stocks data from …