An exploratory study on fintech regulations and start-ups: Focusing on the US, China, and Korea cases

S Jeon, DH Pak - Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and …, 2020 -
Among the fintech businesses that are actively developing around the world, payment and
settlement are the most prominent. Korea has a well-developed IT industry and a good …

국내플랫폼기업현황분석과시사점: 플랫폼기업유형분류를중심으로

진현서, 김주희, 김도현 - 벤처창업연구, 2022 -
국내 경제를 포함한 글로벌 경제에서 플랫폼 기업이 지니는 중요성이 매우 커지고 있다. 많은
연구에서도 플랫폼 기업이 이끄는 디지털 경제를 통해 혁신이 창출되고 이들이 경제 성장의 …

An empirical study on ssuccessful crowdfunding

S Choi, DY Lee, W Kim, JW Kang - Asia-Pacific Journal of Business …, 2017 -
Crowdfunding recently receives a great deal of attentions as an alternative finance for small
and medium-sized enterprises or business ventures that suffer from financial constraints …

The Relationship between Characteristics of the University Student Crowdfunding Team and Team Performance: Focus on Functional Diversity and Shared …

SH Lee, SY Lee - Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and …, 2022 -
Crowdfunding is one of new financing alternatives and is innovative and creative. In order to
proceed with crowdfunding, various functions are required, such as design for screen …


안용길, 김용환, 송명진 - 벤처창업연구, 2022 -
본 연구는 '온라인 플랫폼 공정화법 (안)'(이하 '온플법 (안)') 이 디지털 플랫폼 기업들의 시장
가치에 미친 영향을 네이버의 사례를 통해 계량 분석한다. 우리는 Abadie & Gardeazabal …

An empirical analysis of influencing factors on success of equity crowdfunding: By industry and funding type

JY Kim, CS Kim - Journal of Society for e-Business Studies, 2020 -
The two main goals of this study are to derive independent factors affecting the success rate
of crowdfunding and to empirically analyze the variation of independent factors' effects on …

대학생크라우드펀딩팀특성이팀성과에미치는영향: 기능적배경다양성과공유리더십을중심으로

이선희, 이상윤 - 벤처창업연구, 2022 -
크라우드펀딩은 자금조달이 어려운 스타트업과 중소기업을 위한 대안적 자금조달 방법으로
혁신적이고 창의적인 특징을 가진다. 크라우드펀딩을 진행하기 위해서는 화면 구성을 위한 …


박종현 - 통상정보연구, 2016 -
크라우드펀딩 (Crowdfunding) 은 인터넷 기반 플랫폼을 이용하여 개인 및 기업이 필요한
자금을 다수의 대중으로부터 모으는 행위로 SNS 확산과 더불어 성장하고 있다 …

An empirical study of equity-based crowdfunding in Korea

MS Kim, JK Lee - Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial …, 2016 -
Equity-based crowdfunding combines virtual technologies with traditional investing
principles. Equity-based crowdfunding is a financing method for startups and small …

The Economic Cost of the Fair Online Platform Intermediary Transactions Act: A Comparative Case Study

Y Ahn, Y Kim, M Song - Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing …, 2022 -
Abstract On September 28, 2020, the Korea Fair Trade Commission introduced a proposed
bill entitled the" Fair Online Platform Intermediary Transactions Act." We quantify the impact …