A Critical Review on The Law of Cina Buta (Chinese Blind) According to Shaykh Abdul Qadir Bin Abdul Muthalib Al Mandili Al Indonesia Al Shafi'i

S Wardi, Z Arif - Diktum: Jurnal Syariah Dan Hukum, 2023 - ejurnal.iainpare.ac.id
Through the fiqh ideas of Shaykh Abdul Qadir bin Abdul Muthalib Al Mandili Al Indonesi Al
Syafi'i, which are found in his book Al-Asadul Ma'ar Liqatil Taisil Musta'ar: on China Buta …

Gender inequality and judicial discretion in Muslims divorce of Indonesia

R Ramadhita, M Ali, B Syabbul - Cogent Social Sciences, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Divorce of Muslims should be carried out in court, as opposed to the classical fiqh teachings
still adhered to in some countries. In practice, this process is still gender biased and …

Penerapan Teori Keadilan Terhadap Pembagian Harta Bersama Pasca Perceraian

SMP Utami, SNIS Dalimunthe - Jurnal USM Law Review, 2023 - journals.usm.ac.id
This research aims to examine the application of the division of marital assets after divorce
by analyzing the case in decision number 2802/Pdt. G/2018/Dpk. The focus of this research …

Living Under the Same Roof Before the Date of Separation: The Relevance of Maqāṣid al-Sharī'ah and Minangkabaunese Custom in A New Direction for Families

N Nofiardi, F Samiran - JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah), 2023 - ojs.iainbatusangkar.ac.id
Minangkabau community is known for its matrilineal kinship, in which a husband after the
marriage lives with his wife's family. If there are constant quarrels in the marriage and it is …

Sakinah Family Empowerment by Optimizing the Role of BP4 and Parents Mental Revolution Perspective

E Hariyanto, A Hannan, A Wahyudi… - … Dan Hukum Islam, 2021 - repository.iainmadura.ac.id
This study examines a sakinah family empowerment by optimizing the role of Badan
Penasihat Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Perkawinan (Body for Marital Advisory Guidance and …

Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Putusan Cerai Gugat Beralasan Suami Terpidana Penjara

A Habibi, B Maulana, H Irfan, Z Arifin… - Asas Wa Tandhim …, 2024 - jurnal.ucy.ac.id
Penelitian hukum in-conreto ini menggali lebih dalam tentang Dasar hukum yang ditentukan
oleh Majelis Hakim dalam memutuskan cerai gugat karena suami terpidana. Penelitian …

Analisis faktor penyebab tingginya angka cerai gugat pada masa pandemi covid-19 di kota palembang

DA Kesuma, R Hasyim - Jurnal Hukum Tri Pantang, 2021 - ejournal.unitaspalembang.ac.id
Faktor penyebab terjadinya perceraian pada masa pandemi Covid 19 karena beberapa
faktor yaitu, karena faktor zina, mabuk, madat, judi, meninggalkan salah satu pihak, dihukum …

Legal Protection of Women as Victim of Domestic Violence

FM Wantu, MTZ Sarson - Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and …, 2020 - journal.unnes.ac.id
This study aims to determine the extent of legal protection by the Women and Children
Service Unit (PPA) of the Gorontalo City Resort Police Criminal Investigation Unit against …

Testimonium de Auditu Witness: Comparison of Maṣlāhah in the Settlement of Syiqāq in the Religious Court of the Border Regions

N Nofiardi - Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum …, 2023 - jurnal.ar-raniry.ac.id
Witness examination is one of the trial procedures required to resolve cases before the
Religious Courts. According to the regulations, witnesses must provide information directly …

Putusnya perkawinan “perceraian” terhadap seseorang disebabkan tidak saling menghormati dan menghargai antar pasangan suami isteri

IL Ajisaputri - Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, 2021 - jiss.publikasiindonesia.id
Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk menggambarkan penyebab dari putusnya perkawinan
sebagai contoh putusnya perkawinan yang disebabkan karena tidak saling menghormati …