Toward the Identification of Features of Effective Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators. Literature Review.

M Zaslow, K Tout, T Halle, JV Whittaker… - Office of Planning …, 2010 - ERIC
Programs and policymakers face numerous challenges as they develop and implement
professional development strategies for the early childhood workforce. The field lacks …

English learners in California schools: Unequal resources,'unequal outcomes

P Gandara, R Rumberger, J Maxwell-Jolly… - Education policy …, 2003 -
Abstract The Williams vs the State of California class action suit on behalf of poor children in
that state argues that California provides a fundamentally inequitable education to students …

The development of literacy in preschool and primary grades: Work by the Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement

SA Stahl, DB Yaden, Jr - The Elementary School Journal, 2004 -
To reach the national goal that all children in the United States will read at an appropriate
level by the end of third grade, the Center for the Improvement of Early Reading …

Joint storybook reading and joint writing interventions among low SES preschoolers: Differential contributions to early literacy

D Aram, S Biron - Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2004 - Elsevier
This study compared two interventions: one focusing on language and storybook reading
and the other on alphabetic skills and writing. Seventy-one preschoolers aged 3–5 from a …

Early literacy interventions: The relative roles of storybook reading, alphabetic activities, and their combination

D Aram - Reading and Writing, 2006 - Springer
The study examined the differential contributions on vocabulary and alphabetic skills of
three literacy programs:(a) storybook reading program;(b) alphabetic skills program; and (c) …

[图书][B] Literacy assessment and intervention for classroom teachers

BA DeVries - 2023 -
The Sixth Edition of this comprehensive resource helps future and practicing teachers
recognize and assess literacy problems, while providing practical, effective intervention …

Okuma yazmaya hazırlık çalışmalarına yönelik öğretmen görüşleri

SA Altun, ÖŞÇDN Bay - Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2014 -
Çalışmanın amacı okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin okuma yazmaya hazırlık çalışmalarına ilişkin
görüşlerini belirlemektir. Bu amaca ulaşabilmek için nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden görüşme …

[图书][B] Designing early literacy programs: Strategies for at-risk preschool and kindergarten children.

LM McGee, DJ Richgels - 2003 - ERIC
Certain literacy knowledge acquired prior to the initiation of beginning reading instruction is
necessary for early reading success. Unfortunately, children from low-income families and …

Débuts de la littératie, langue et culture: perspective socioculturelle

S Burns, L Espinosa, C E. Snow - Revue des sciences de l'éducation, 2003 -
Résumé Le présent article fait suite au rapport Preventing reading difficulties in young
children auquel Snow et Burns ont participé. La principale conclusion de ce rapport est que …

Preschool literacy intervention for low-income, ethnically diverse children: Effects of the early authors program through kindergarten

AJ Borre, J Bernhard, C Bleiker… - Journal of Education for …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Contemporary perspectives on emergent literacy in preschool emphasize the importance of
providing developmentally appropriate, authentic, early writing experiences and supporting …