MA Kamins, X Dreze, VS Folkes - Journal of Consumer …, 2004 -
A field experiment investigated the impact of two external reference points under the seller's control on the final price of an auction. When an item's seller specified a high external …
Driven by the low transaction costs and interactive nature of the internet, customer participation in the price-setting process has increased. Today, platforms such as eBay have …
S Yao, CF Mela - Marketing Science, 2008 -
With 40billioninannualgrossmerchandisevolume,electronicauctionscompriseasubstantialand… .UsinguniquedataonCelticcoins,weestimateastructuralmodelofbuyerandsell…(MCMC) …
Even though auctions are capturing an increasing share of commerce, they are typically treated in the theoretical economics literature as isolated. That is, an auction is typically …
Internet auctions are common in nearly all consumer categories. Hence, it is not surprising that a great deal of research has emerged on the topic in recent years. New design and …
Manufacturers and retailers are using online auctions to liquidate excess inventory. Using a field study of 11,879 online auctions, this paper builds upon theories of competitive …
MA Kamins, X Dreze, VS Folkes - Journal of consumer research, 2004 -
In a field experiment, we investigated the impact of two value signals under the seller's control (ie, presence or absence of a minimum bid and public reserve price) on the final …
R Engelbrecht-Wiggans, T Nonnenmacher - Explorations in Economic …, 1999 - Elsevier
The completion of the Erie Canal traditionally receives primary credit for the rapid growth of trade through the Port of New York relative to trade through other East Coast ports. This …