E Kemp-Benedict - Global Environmental Change, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper offers a new approach to generating long-term global scenarios of economic growth at national level. The paper presents a simple model grounded in the economic …
Doktorska disertacija preučuje specifično usmeritev mednarodne ekonomije, in sicer področje politik razvojne pomoči. Znotraj tega vsebinskega okvirja smo se osredotočili na …
PL Cruz-Aguilar, JE Medina-Vásquez - Entramado, 2015 - scielo.org.co
Selection of methods for building future scenarios SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online vol.11 issue1 The Natural Rate of Unemployment (NRU) for Colombia for the years 2003 to …
This report questions one of the key underlying assumptions of most plans to reduce carbon emissions: that it is possible to grow or maintain economic output while at the same time …