[图书][B] Polaryzacja światopoglądowa społeczeństwa polskiego a klasy i warstwy społeczne

P Ruszkowski, A Przestalski, P Maranowski - 2020 - academia.edu
–Na tych samych warunkach 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY-SA 4.0)–pod warunkiem
zachowania niniejszej informacji licencyjnej i wskazania Pawła Ruszkowskiego, Andrzeja …

Labour market precarity and political alienation

AA Kiersztyn - Przegląd Socjologiczny, 2018 - ceeol.com
The object of this article is to analyse the relationship between labourmarket precarity and
political attitudes in Poland. I address the followingresearch question: how do people in …

Populism, Political Legitimacy, and Digital Communication: An Alternative Conversation

N Sithole - Digital Communication and Populism in Times of Covid …, 2023 - Springer
The topic of populism and its perceived threat to the legitimacy of liberal democracies is a
topic with no shortage of attention, especially in regions that are synonymous with liberal …

Ideološko-politička orijentacija prekarijata u Srbiji

AA Marković - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Doktorska disertacija za svoj predmet istraživanja ima, na jednoj ravni, prekarijat kao
društvenu grupaciju u nastanku, a na drugoj, ideološko-političke orijentacije pojedinaca koji …

[PDF][PDF] Trajectories of Change, from Armed Struggle to Politics

SK Njuguna, S Buckley-Zistel, T Bonacker - core.ac.uk
The end of the Cold War catalysed a range of civil wars and separatist conflicts that battled
for government control around the globe. Most of them were resolved through peace …

Zmiana ustrojowa w Polsce w latach 2015–2017 w perspektywie zróżnicowania klasowo-warstwowego

P Ruszkowski, A Przestalski, P Matuszewski - Przegląd Socjologiczny, 2018 - ceeol.com
36 Paweł Ruszkowski, andRzej PRzestalski, Paweł Matuszewski osobami, które zdobywają
środki utrzymania w oparciu o prywatną własność środków pracy i renty oraz w oparciu o …

Rule of Law as a Basis for the Establishment of a Constitutional State

I Kervalishvili - Global Dimensions of Democracy and Human Rights …, 2022 - igi-global.com
The term rule of law is closely related to both constitutionalism and the rule of law, and it
refers to the political situation and not to any particular legal law. According to the rule of law …

The rhetorical crisis of the fall of the berlin wall: forgotten narratives and political directions

M Ehrl - 2018 - oaktrust.library.tamu.edu
The accidental opening of the Berlin Wall on November 9th, 1989, dismantled the political
narratives of the East and the West and opened up a rhetorical arena for political narrators …

Trajectories of Change, from Armed Struggle to Politics: The Transformation of Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) from a Liberation Movement into a …

SK Njuguna - 2021 - archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de
The end of the Cold War catalysed a range of civil wars and separatist conflicts that battled
for government control around the globe. Most of them were resolved through peace …

[引用][C] Ideološko-političkа orijentаcijа prekаrijаtа u Srbiji

А Mаrković - 2022 - Univerzitet u Beogradu-Filozofski …