[图书][B] Connectionist speech recognition: a hybrid approach

HA Bourlard, N Morgan - 2012 - books.google.com
Connectionist Speech Recognition: A Hybrid Approach describes the theory and
implementation of a method to incorporate neural network approaches into state of the art …

Minimum classification error rate methods for speech recognition

BH Juang, W Hou, CH Lee - IEEE Transactions on Speech and …, 1997 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A critical component in the pattern matching approach to speech recognition is the training
algorithm, which aims at producing typical (reference) patterns or models for accurate …

[PDF][PDF] Discriminative training for large vocabulary speech recognition

D Povey - 2005 - researchgate.net
This thesis investigates the use of discriminative criteria for training HMM parameters for
speech recognition, in particular the Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) criterion and a new …

Large scale discriminative training of hidden Markov models for speech recognition

PC Woodland, D Povey - Computer Speech & Language, 2002 - Elsevier
This paper describes, and evaluates on a large scale, the lattice based framework for
discriminative training of large vocabulary speech recognition systems based on Gaussian …

Links between Markov models and multilayer perceptrons

H Bourlard, CJ Wellekens - IEEE Transactions on pattern …, 1990 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The statistical use of a particular classic form of a connectionist system, the multilayer
perceptron (MLP), is described in the context of the recognition of continuous speech. A …

[图书][B] Automatische Spracherkennung: Grundlagen, statistische Modelle und effiziente Algorithmen

EG Schukat-Talamazzini - 2013 - books.google.com
Das Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Problemstellung maschineller Erkennung
gesprochener Sprache. Ein wichtiger Forschungszweig auf diesem Gebiet ist gegenwärtig …

MMIE training of large vocabulary recognition systems

V Valtchev, JJ Odell, PC Woodland, SJ Young - Speech Communication, 1997 - Elsevier
This paper describes a framework for optimising the structure and parameters of a
continuous density HMM-based large vocabulary recognition system using the Maximum …

Neural networks for statistical recognition of continuous speech

N Morgan, HA Bourlard - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1995 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In recent years there has been a significant body of work, both theoretical and experimental,
that has established the viability of artificial neural networks (ANN's) as a useful technology …

Links between Markov models and multilayer perceptrons

H Bourlard, CJ Wellekens - Advances in neural information …, 1988 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Hidden Markov models are widely used for automatic speech recog (cid: 173) nition. They
inherently incorporate the sequential character of the speech signal and are statistically …

High-performance connected digit recognition using maximum mutual information estimation

Y Normandin, R Cardin… - IEEE Transactions on …, 1994 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Hidden markov models (HMM's) are one of the most powerful speech recognition tools
available today. Even so, the inadequacies of HMM's as a" correct" modeling framework for …