In recent years, calls for co-management of public lands by Native American tribal nations and the federal government have been increasing. To achieve ambitious conservation goals …
KJ Stark, M Mills - Wyo. L. Rev., 2022 - HeinOnline
Tribal connections to the area now known as" Yellowstone" are numerous, varied, and have existed since time immemorial. The creation of Yellowstone National Park a century and a …
MC Blumm, L Pennock - Colo. Env't LJ, 2022 - HeinOnline
One of the bedrock principles offederal Indian law is a centuries-old understanding that the tribes, as" domestic dependent nations," have a" government-to-government" relationship …
The purpose of the Indian Child Welfare Act'was to allow tribes to make decisions for their own families, rather than state courts and agencies. Again and again, tribal leaders stated …
JV Royster, MC Blumm, E Kronk - Cases and Materials, 2002 -
In this case, American Indians ask us to prohibit the federal government from allowing the use of artificial snow for skiing on a portion of a public mountain sacred in their religion. At …
This article reviews the individual spend plans of US states granted a funding allocation under Sec. 12005 of the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act to …
V Racehorse, A Hohag - Colo. Nat. Resources Energy & Env't L. Rev., 2023 - HeinOnline
Due to the increasing pressures of the climate change crisis, federal and state governments are beginning to acknowledge that Indigenous-led stewardship and control over Tribal …
As governments around the world seek to develop and implement co-management practices with Indigenous peoples and local communities, there are many questions about how to …