Response to travel information: A behavioural review

E Ben-Elia, E Avineri - Transport reviews, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Innovation in information and communication technologies (ICTs) is providing us with a
myriad of travel information sources. Knowledge on the influence of information on human …

[PDF][PDF] Lc-rnn: A deep learning model for traffic speed prediction.

Z Lv, J Xu, K Zheng, H Yin, P Zhao, X Zhou - IJCAI, 2018 -
Traffic speed prediction is known as an important but challenging problem. In this paper, we
propose a novel model, called LC-RNN, to achieve more accurate traffic speed prediction …

ITS for sustainable mobility: A survey on applications and impact assessment tools

PM d'Orey, M Ferreira - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent …, 2013 -
Road transportation is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, which lead to
global warming and climate change. Promoting the decarbonization of this sector through …

Vehicular cloud computing

M Gerla - 2012 The 11th annual mediterranean ad hoc …, 2012 -
Mobile Cloud Computing is a new field of research that aims to study mobile agents (people,
vehicles, robots) as they interact and collaborate to sense the environment, process the …

Internet of vehicles: Sensing-aided transportation information collection and diffusion

J Wang, C Jiang, Z Han, Y Ren… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 -
In view of the emergence and rapid development of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and cloud
computing, intelligent transport systems are beneficial in terms of enhancing the quality and …

Traffic pattern classification in smart cities using deep recurrent neural network

AG Ismaeel, K Janardhanan, M Sankar, Y Natarajan… - Sustainability, 2023 -
This paper examines the use of deep recurrent neural networks to classify traffic patterns in
smart cities. We propose a novel approach to traffic pattern classification based on deep …

An intelligent V2I-based traffic management system

V Milanes, J Villagra, J Godoy, J Simó… - IEEE Transactions …, 2012 -
Vehicles equipped with intelligent systems designed to prevent accidents, such as collision
warning systems (CWSs) or lane-keeping assistance (LKA), are now on the market. The next …

Rapid traffic information dissemination using named data

L Wang, A Afanasyev, R Kuntz, R Vuyyuru… - Proceedings of the 1st …, 2012 -
This paper applies the Named Data Networking (NDN) concept to vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
communications. Specifically, we develop a simple traffic information dissemination …

Real-time path planning based on hybrid-VANET-enhanced transportation system

M Wang, H Shan, R Lu, R Zhang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 -
Real-time path planning can efficiently relieve traffic congestion in urban scenarios.
However, how to design an efficient path-planning algorithm to achieve a globally optimal …

Electric vehicle route selection and charging navigation strategy based on crowd sensing

H Yang, Y Deng, J Qiu, M Li, M Lai… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2017 -
This paper has proposed an electric vehicle (EV) route selection and charging navigation
optimization model, aiming to reduce EV users' travel costs and improve the load level of the …