Stereo matching by training a convolutional neural network to compare image patches

J Žbontar, Y LeCun - Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2016 -
We present a method for extracting depth information from a rectified image pair. Our
approach focuses on the first stage of many stereo algorithms: the matching cost …

Hierarchical deep stereo matching on high-resolution images

G Yang, J Manela, M Happold… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 -
We explore the problem of real-time stereo matching on high-res imagery. Many state-of-the-
art (SOTA) methods struggle to process high-res imagery because of memory constraints or …

Synthetic depth-of-field with a single-camera mobile phone

N Wadhwa, R Garg, DE Jacobs, BE Feldman… - ACM Transactions on …, 2018 -
Shallow depth-of-field is commonly used by photographers to isolate a subject from a
distracting background. However, standard cell phone cameras cannot produce such …

Displets: Resolving stereo ambiguities using object knowledge

F Guney, A Geiger - Proceedings of the IEEE conference on …, 2015 -
Stereo techniques have witnessed tremendous progress over the last decades, yet some
aspects of the problem still remain challenging today. Striking examples are reflecting and …

Light field reconstruction using shearlet transform

S Vagharshakyan, R Bregovic… - IEEE transactions on …, 2017 -
In this article we develop an image based rendering technique based on light field
reconstruction from a limited set of perspective views acquired by cameras. Our approach …

Road surface 3D reconstruction based on dense subpixel disparity map estimation

R Fan, X Ai, N Dahnoun - IEEE Transactions on Image …, 2018 -
Various 3D reconstruction methods have enabled civil engineers to detect damage on a
road surface. To achieve the millimeter accuracy required for road condition assessment, a …

Fast bilateral-space stereo for synthetic defocus

JT Barron, A Adams, YC Shih… - Proceedings of the IEEE …, 2015 -
Given a stereo pair it is possible to recover a depth map and use that depth to render a
synthetically defocused image. Though stereo algorithms are well-studied, rarely are those …

MGM: A significantly more global matching for stereovision

G Facciolo, C De Franchis, E Meinhardt - BMVC 2015, 2015 -
Semi-global matching (SGM) is among the top-ranked stereovision algorithms. SGM is an
efficient strategy for approximately minimizing a global energy that comprises a pixel-wise …

Improvement of stereo matching algorithm for 3D surface reconstruction

RA Hamzah, AF Kadmin, MS Hamid, SFA Ghani… - Signal Processing …, 2018 - Elsevier
The stereo matching algorithm is one of the important methods for 3D surface reconstruction.
A stereo matching process produces a disparity map which provides the depth of information …

Stereo matching algorithm based on per pixel difference adjustment, iterative guided filter and graph segmentation

RA Hamzah, H Ibrahim, AHA Hassan - Journal of Visual Communication …, 2017 - Elsevier
Stereo matching process is a difficult and challenging task due to many uncontrollable
factors that affect the results. These factors include the radiometric variations and …