Both classical and quantum waves can form vortices: entities with helical phase fronts and circulating current densities. These features determine the intrinsic orbital angular …
Ultracompact sources of circularly polarized light are important for classical and quantum optical information processing. Conventional approaches for generating chiral emission are …
E Otte, C Denz - Applied Physics Reviews, 2020 -
The pace of innovations in the field of optical trapping has ramped up in the past couple of years. The implementation of structured light, leading to groundbreaking inventions such as …
Light carries both spin and orbital angular momentum. These dynamical properties are determined by the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of light. Nano-optics …
AM Yao, MJ Padgett - Advances in optics and photonics, 2011 -
As they travel through space, some light beams rotate. Such light beams have angular momentum. There are two particularly important ways in which a light beam can rotate: if …
The general question, crucial to an understanding of the internal structure of the nucleon, of how to split the total angular momentum of a photon or gluon into spin and orbital …
A few years ago the possibility of coupling and inter-converting the spin and orbital angular momentum (SAM and OAM) of paraxial light beams in inhomogeneous anisotropic media …
A Bekshaev, KY Bliokh, M Soskin - Journal of Optics, 2011 -
We review optical phenomena associated with the internal energy redistribution which accompany propagation and transformations of monochromatic light fields in homogeneous …
We present a general theory of spin-to-orbital angular momentum (AM) conversion of light in focusing, scattering, and imaging optical systems. Our theory employs universal geometric …