Quantum computers have the potential to efficiently solve problems in logistics, drug and material design, finance, and cybersecurity. However, millions of qubits will be necessary for …
Scaling up invariably error-prone quantum processors is a formidable challenge. Although quantum error correction ultimately promises fault-tolerant operation, the required qubit …
We detect correlations in qubit-energy fluctuations of non-neighboring qubits defined in isotopically purified Si/Si-Ge quantum dots. At low frequencies (where the noise is …
Semiconductor qubits have a small footprint and so are appealing for building densely integrated quantum processors. However, fabricating them at high densities raises the issue …
Noise that exhibits significant temporal and spatial correlations across multiple qubits can be especially harmful to both fault-tolerant quantum computation and quantum-enhanced …
Topology-related ideas might lead to noise-resilient quantum computing. For example, it is expected that the slow spatial exchange (“braiding”) of Majorana zero modes in …
Spin qubits are contenders for scalable quantum computation because of their long coherence times demonstrated in a variety of materials, but individual control by frequency …
Benchmarking and characterizing quantum states and logic gates is essential in the development of devices for quantum computing. We introduce a Bayesian approach to self …
Solid-state qubits incorporating quantum dots can be read out dispersively. Here, we theoretically describe physical mechanisms that render such reflectometry-based readout …