Kinetic plasma turbulence cascade spans multiple scales ranging from macroscopic fluid flow to sub-electron scales. Mechanisms that dissipate large scale energy, terminate the …
Kinetic energy transfer in compressible isotropic turbulence is studied using numerical simulations with solenoidal forcing at turbulent Mach numbers ranging from 0.4 to 1.0 and at …
Reconnection and turbulence are two of the most commonly observed dynamical processes in plasmas, but their relationship is still not fully understood. Using 2.5 D kinetic particle-in …
We present estimates of the turbulent energy-cascade rate derived from a Hall- magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) third-order law. We compute the contribution from the Hall …
The plasmoid instability in evolving current sheets has been widely studied due to its effects on the disruption of current sheets, the formation of plasmoids, and the resultant fast …
In the context of space and astrophysical plasma turbulence and particle heating, several vocabularies emerge for estimating turbulent energy dissipation rate, including Kolmogorov …
V Zhdankin - The Astrophysical Journal, 2021 -
Many high-energy astrophysical systems contain magnetized collisionless plasmas with relativistic particles, in which turbulence can be driven by an arbitrary mixture of solenoidal …
A familiar problem in space and astrophysical plasmas is to understand how dissipation and heating occurs. These effects are often attributed to the cascade of broadband turbulence …
Many questions remain about the compressibility of solar wind turbulence with respect to its origins and properties. Low plasma beta (ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure) …