Orthogonal differential vector signaling

H Cronie, A Shokrollahi - US Patent 9,288,089, 2016 - Google Patents
Using a transformation based at least in part on a non-simple orthogonal or unitary matrix,
data may be transmitted over a data bus in a manner that is resilient to one or more types of …

Methods and systems for noise resilient, pin-efficient and low power communications with sparse signaling codes

H Cronie, A Shokrollahi, A Tajalli - US Patent 8,649,445, 2014 - Google Patents
In bus communications methods and apparatus, a first set of physical signals representing
the information to be conveyed over the bus is provided, and mapped to a codeword of a …

Methods and systems for skew tolerance in and advanced detectors for vector signaling codes for chip-to-chip communication

B Holden, A Shokrollahi, A Singh - US Patent 9,300,503, 2016 - Google Patents
Advanced detectors for vector signaling codes are disclosed which utilize multi-input
comparators, generalized on-level slicing, reference generation based on maximum swing …

Orthogonal differential vector signaling codes with embedded clock

B Holden, A Shokrollahi - US Patent 9,461,862, 2016 - Google Patents
Orthogonal differential vector signaling codes are described which support encoded sub-
channels allowing transport of distinct but temporally aligned data and clocking signals over …

Methods and systems for high bandwidth chip-to-chip communications interface

J Fox, B Holden, P Hunt, JD Keay… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems and methods are described for transmitting data over physical channels to
provide a high bandwidth, low latency interface between integrated circuit chips with low …

Methods and systems for low-power and pin-efficient communications with superposition signaling codes

H Cronie, A Shokrollahi - US Patent 9,401,828, 2016 - Google Patents
48.97657 A 1/1990 Brubaker 8,588,280 B2 11/2013 Oh et al. 5,053,974 A* 10, 1991
Penz............................... TO6/18 8,593,305 B 11/2013 Tajalliet al. 5,166,956 A 1 1/1992 Baltus …

Bus reversable orthogonal differential vector signaling codes

R Ulrich, A Shokrollahi - US Patent 9,432,082, 2016 - Google Patents
220 220 ferential Vector Signaling Codes are disclosed which are tolerant of order-reversal,
as may occur when physical routing of communications channel wires causes the bus signal …

Vector signaling code with improved noise margin

A Shokrollahi - US Patent 9,509,437, 2016 - Google Patents
Methods are described allowing a vector signaling code to encode multi-level data without
the significant alphabet size increase known to cause symbol dynamic range compres sion …

Circuits for efficient detection of vector signaling codes for chip-to-chip communication using sums of differences

R Ulrich, P Hunt - US Patent 9,288,082, 2016 - Google Patents
4,864,303 4,974,211 5,053,974 5,166,956 5,168,509 5,283,761 5,412,689 5,511,119
5,553,097 5,599,550 5,659,353 5,825,808 5,995.016 6,005,895 6,084,883 6,172,634 …

Power and pin efficient chip-to-chip communications with common-mode rejection and SSO resilience

H Cronie, A Shokrollahi - US Patent 9,015,566, 2015 - Google Patents
In bus communications methods and apparatus, a first set of physical signals representing
the information to be conveyed over the bus is provided, and mapped to a codeword of a …