We show that perturbations of polynomial matrices of full normal-rank can be analyzed via the study of perturbations of companion form linearizations of such polynomial matrices. It is …
A Dmytryshyn, B Kågström - SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2014 - SIAM
We study how small perturbations of a skew-symmetric matrix pencil may change its canonical form under congruence. This problem is also known as the stratification problem …
We show that the set of m× m complex skew-symmetric matrix polynomials of even grade d, ie, of degree at most d, and (normal) rank at most 2r is the closure of the single set of matrix …
We study how small perturbations of general matrix polynomials may change their elementary divisors and minimal indices by constructing the closure hierarchy (stratification) …
A Dmytryshyn - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2017 - Elsevier
We study how elementary divisors and minimal indices of a skew-symmetric matrix polynomial of odd degree may change under small perturbations of the matrix coefficients …
Matlab functions to work with the canonical structures for congruence and* congruence of matrices, and for congruence of symmetric and skew-symmetric matrix pencils are …
We construct the Hasse diagrams G 2 and G 3 for the closure ordering on the sets of congruence classes of 2× 2 and 3× 3 complex matrices. In other words, we construct two …
The homogeneous system of matrix equations (XTA+ AX, XTB+ BX)=(0, 0), where (A, B) is a pair of skew-symmetric matrices of the same size is considered: we establish the general …
M Dodig, M Stošić - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2014 - Elsevier
In this paper we give a complete description of the possible feedback invariants of a pair of matrices submitted to an additive perturbation of low rank. Also, we describe the possible …