The lithic raw material sources and interregional human contacts in the northern Carpathian regions: A research program

Z Mester, N Faragó, G Lengyel - Anthropologie (1962-), 2012 - JSTOR
Due to its geological properties, the northern part of the Carpathians is very rich in different
siliceous rocks which were preferred raw materials by prehistoric tool-makers. Furthermore …

Locating Mesolithic hunter-gatherer camps in the Carpathian Basin

PR Duffy, T Marton, D Borić - Journal of Archaeological Method and …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract The Mesolithic in Eastern Europe was the last time that hunter-gatherer economies
thrived there before the spread of agriculture in the second half of the seventh millennium …

[HTML][HTML] Prehistoric exploitation of limnosilicites in Northern Hungary: Problems and perspectives

Z Mester, N Faragó - Archaeologia Polona, 2016 -
Limnosilicites constitute a specific group of siliceous rocks originating in freshwater limnic
(lake) environments. They are very common in the north Hungarian Range, due to the …

Lithic raw material procurement at Bodrogkeresztúr–Henye Gravettian site, northeast Hungary

G Lengyel - Quaternary International, 2015 - Elsevier
The Carpathian basin provides abundant lithic raw material sources for stone tools. In spite
of their abundance, Gravettian lithic assemblages contain raw materials from north and east …

Nouveaux assemblages du Paléolithique supérieur ancien en Hongrie du nord dans le contexte de l'hypothèse du Couloir danubien

Z Mester, JK Kozłowski, T Kalicki, A Dobos, M Frączek… - L'Anthropologie, 2021 - Elsevier
Résumé Reliant l'Europe sud-orientale et l'Europe centrale, la vallée du Danube joue un
rôle primordial dans les modèles de la première colonisation de l'Europe par les Hommes …

La mise en valeur d'un ancien site éponyme: Eger-Kőporos dans le Paléolithique moyen et supérieur de la Hongrie du nord

JK Kozłowski, Z Mester, A Budek, T Kalicki… - L'Anthropologie, 2012 - Elsevier
Résumé Une nouvelle analyse complète du matériel archéologique du site en plein air de
Kőporos (près d'Eger, Nord-est de la Hongrie), provenant de différentes fouilles (y compris …

Contribution to the cognizance of raw materials and raw material regions of the Transcarpathian Palaeolithic

B Rácz, G Szakmány, KT Biró - Acta Archaeologica Academiae …, 2016 -
On the territory Transcarpathian Ukraine, about 100 Palaeolithic localities are known up to
our days. Most of them are surface finds. In spite of the rich archaeological heritage, the …

From bedrock to alluvium: Considerations on human-lithic resource interaction

Z Mester, N Faragó - Journal of lithic studies, 2022 -
Although lithic raw material provenience studies in Hungarian archaeology have started in
the late 1970s, little attention has been paid to the methods prehistoric people with which …

[PDF][PDF] Complex, household-based analysis of the stone tools of Polgár-Csőszhalom

N Faragó - Dissertationes Archaeologicae, 2019 -
DISSERTA TIONES ARCHAEOLO GICAE Page 1 Ser. 3. No. 7. 2019 | ex Instituto Archaeologico
Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae DISSERTA TIONES ARCHAEOLO GICAE Diss …

Houses, households, activity zones in the post-LBK world. Results of the raw material analysis of the chipped stone tools at Polgár-Csőszhalom, northeast Hungary

N Faragó - Open Archaeology, 2016 -
In the last few decades, archaeological research has invested more energy into better
understanding of past societies than ever before. There are several different factors that …