Intersectionality is a conceptual framework that addresses how multiple interlocking social identities reflect diverse systems of power, privilege, oppression, and inequity (Bowleg …
What does it really mean to say that boys will be boys, men are from Mars, or that contemporary men are in crisis? Does modern psychology support or refute these notions …
Two components of gender identity are gender similarity, how one's self-concept relates to the major gender collectives (ie, female, male), and felt pressure to conform to gender …
Conforming to gender stereotypes is a choice, not a requirement—you decide. This timely workbook provides a road map to help you discover what kind of man you want to be. As a …
After many years of focus on the bias against women, including females in school, in the 1980s, scholars began to discuss toxic masculinity and the unique challenges males face …
This essay is part of Vision 2020: Evidence for a stronger economy, a compilation of 21 essays presenting innovative, evidence-based, and concrete ideas to shape the 2020 policy …
The spatial concentration of inequality is one of the most enduring findings in the social sciences (Sampson 2012, Sharkey 2013, Wilson 1987, 1996), yet these theories do not …
Traditional masculinity ideology and conformity to specific masculine norms have been associated with dozens of negative outcomes, including increased depression, violent …