Coral reefs provide critical services to coastal communities, and these services rely on ecosystem functions threatened by stressors. By summarizing the threats to the functioning …
Noise-generating human activities affect hearing, communication and movement in terrestrial and aquatic animals, but direct evidence for impacts on survival is rare. We …
Biological communities are shaped by complex interactions between organisms and their environment as well as interactions with other species. Humans are rapidly changing the …
Predicted future CO2 levels have been found to alter sensory responses and behaviour of marine fishes. Changes include increased boldness and activity, loss of behavioural …
Anthropogenic CO2 emitted to the atmosphere is absorbed by the oceans, causing a progressive increase in ocean inorganic carbon concentrations and resulting in decreased …
M Ou, TJ Hamilton, J Eom, EM Lyall, J Gallup… - Nature Climate …, 2015 -
Ocean acidification negatively affects many marine species and is predicted to cause widespread changes to marine ecosystems. Similarly, freshwater ecosystems may …
Recently, the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on marine animal behaviour have garnered considerable attention, as they can impact biological interactions and, in turn, ecosystem …
High carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in sea-water (ocean hypercapnia) can induce neurological, physiological and behavioural deficiencies in marine animals,,,,,,,,,. Prediction …
Oceanic and coastal waters are acidifying due to processes dominated in the open ocean by increasing atmospheric CO₂ and dominated in estuaries and some coastal waters by …