How do hotel employees react when they become aware that customers harbor stereotypes towards them? Building on the theory of social identity threat, this research investigates the …
JP Brekke, A Fladmoe, D Wollebæk - Integreringsbarometeret 2020, 2020 -
Når denne rapporten blir skrevet, har det kommet flere enn 75 000 flyktninger fra Ukraina til Norge. Det har skjedd på mindre enn to år. Da datainnsamlingen til denne undersøkelsen …
E Nshom - International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract According to Gordijn (2002), prejudice does not only escalate because of how the ingroup feels towards the outgroup but also because of the perception the ingroup has …
TA Palma, A Vieira, F Cruz, A Mata - Journal of Experimental …, 2024 -
Perceivers typically exhibit better recognition memory for same-race faces than for cross- race faces, a phenomenon known as the cross-race effect (CRE). Despite its ubiquity, it is …
Background: Literature suggests that victims perceived as outgroup members, such as ethnic minorities, are less likely to receive help than victims perceived as ingroup members …
Microaggressions are brief, intended or unintended, commonplace verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities that communicate derogatory, hostile, or negative insults and …
Functioning as gatekeepers to the justice system, grand juries indict most people who come before them. Despite this, unlike the general public, police officers are rarely indicted, and in …
Our beliefs about society do not determine our race and sex, nor do they determine our racial and sexual phenotypes (physical traits). However, eleven experiments show that our …