Нейрональные тормозные сети спинного мозга (научный обзор)

АА Челноков - Novainfo. ru, 2016 - elibrary.ru
Настоящий обзор посвящен нейрональным тормозным сетям спинного мозга а, в
частности, пресинаптическому, возвратному, нереципрокному и реципрокному …

Evolution and scaling of dendrites

GM Wittenberg, SSH Wang - Dendrites. Oxford University Press …, 2007 - books.google.com
Dendrites, the neuronal processes that receive synaptic inputs, are found in all nervous
systems. The great diversity of dendrites, both within individual species and across …

Закономерности формирования спинального торможения у человека

АА Челноков, РМ Городничев - 2014 - elibrary.ru
Монография посвящена изучению возрастных особенностей пресинаптического,
возвратного, нереципрокного и реципрокного торможения спинного мозга человека …

Evolution and scaling of dendrites

SSH Wang, AE Ambrosini, GM Wittenberg - Dendrites, 2016 - books.google.com
Dendrites, the neuronal processes that receive synaptic inputs, are found in all nervous
systems. The great diversity of dendrites, both within individual species and across …

Dual effect of GABA on descending monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potential in frog lumbar motoneurons

SV Ovsepian, NP Vesselkin - Neuroscience, 2004 - Elsevier
Monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) evoked by stimulating ipsilateral
ventrolateral column (VLC) in the thoracic section were recorded in lumbar motoneurons …

Somato-dendritic morphology and dendritic signal transfer properties differentiate between fore- and hindlimb innervating motoneurons in the frog Rana esculenta

A Stelescu, J Sümegi, I Wéber, A Birinyi, E Wolf - BMC neuroscience, 2012 - Springer
Background The location specific motor pattern generation properties of the spinal cord
along its rostro-caudal axis have been demonstrated. However, it is still unclear that these …

[PDF][PDF] Phylogeny and Evolution of Dendrites Gayle M. Wittenberg and Samuel S.-H. Wang for Dendrites

GM Wittenberg - indico.ictp.it
Dendrites, the neuronal processes that receive synaptic inputs, are found in all nervous
systems. The great diversity of dendrites, both within individual species and across …