AO Ivanov, AA Tuzhilin - Advances in dynamical systems and control, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Minimal Networks Theory is a branch of mathematics that goes back to 17th century and unites ideas and methods of metric, differential, and combinatorial geometry and …
The aim in this graduate level text is to outline the key mathematical concepts that underpin these important questions in applied mathematics. These concepts involve discrete …
AO Ivanov, AA Tuzhilin - Izvestiya: Mathematics, 2002 -
We study branching extremals of length functionals on normed spaces. This is a natural generalization of the Steiner problem in normed spaces. We obtain criteria for a network to …
L Sciaraffia - The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2024 - Springer
We study the existence of minimal networks in the unit sphere S d and the unit ball B d of R d endowed with Riemannian metrics close to the standard ones. We employ a finite …
AO Ivanov - Matematicheskii Sbornik, 1995 -
AO Ivanov, “The geometry of plane locally minimal binary trees”, Mat. Sb., 186:9 (1995), 45–76; Sb. Math., 186:9 (1995), 1271–1301 Sbornik: Mathematics RUS ENG JOURNALS PEOPLE …
We are interested in generalizing the classical Cauchy Rigidity Theorem and the Aleksandrov's Existence Theorem for convex polyhedra and the sphere to the closed …
AO Ivanov, AA Tuzhilin - Izvestiya: Mathematics, 1997 -
In this paper we study the structure of the set of all locally minimal plane networks with a fixed topology and a fixed boundary. It is shown that if this set is non-empty, then it is a …
AO Ivanov, AA Tuzhilin - Acta Applicandae Mathematica, 2001 - Springer
This paper is supposed to be a review on the new branch of mathematics–extreme networks theory that appeared at the crossroad of differential geometry, variational calculus and …
В отличие от евклидова случая, на гладких римановых многообразиях минимальные деревья Штейнера для конкретных границ практически не известны. В работе получен …