[图书][B] The crescent arises over the banyan tree: A study of the Muhammadiyah movement in a Central Javanese Town, c. 1910-2010

M Nakamura - 2012 - books.google.com
Part One of this book is based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted by the author during
1970-72 on a local branch of the Muhammadiyah in the town of Kotagede, a suburb of …

From fiqh to political advocacy: Muhammadiyah's ecological movement in the post new order indonesia

D Efendi, NI Kurniawan, P Santoso - Studia Islamika, 2021 - journal.uinjkt.ac.id
This paper investigates how Indonesia's Islamic modernist movement, Muhammadiyah, is
responding to issues such as environment degradation, global warming and climate …

[图书][B] Kebijakan Pendidikan Muhammadiyah: 1911-1942

F Setiawan - 2021 - books.google.com
Semangat Muhammadiyah untuk mencerahkan semesta sejatinya sejalan dengan mimpi
besar sang pendiri, KH Ahmad Dahlan. Hal ini dapat dilihat melalui pidato iftitah yang …

Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah Sebagai Sumber Inspirasi Etos Kerja Islami

EJ Thaib - Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh, 2014 - journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id
Abstract; Agama Islam yang berdasarkan Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadits sebagai tuntunan dan
pegangan bagi kaum muslimin mempunyai fungsi tidak hanya mengatur dalam segi ibadah …

[图书][B] Understanding islamic architecture

A Petruccioli, KK Pirani - 2013 - books.google.com
The ongoing debate among practitioners and in academia about the meaning and
understanding of Islamic architecture will be energized by this book. It contains essays by …

Konstruksi identitas agama dan budaya etnis minangkabau di daerah perbatasan: perubahan identitas dalam interaksi antaretnis di rao kabupaten pasaman …

S Rozi - Masyarakat indonesia, 2013 - neliti.com
Disertasi ini membahas tentang munculnya perubahan identitas agama dan etnis di daerah
perbatasan di Sumatera Barat. Fokus penelitian adalah pada interaksi antar–etnis, antara …

[PDF][PDF] Islamic Local Awakening: Study of Muhammadiyah Renewal as The Rise of Islamic Education Identity in South Sumatera

A Rahman - Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2019 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The purpose of this study is to construct the dynamics of Muhammadiyah education in South
Sumatera which is undergoing a phase called the local awakening. Such conditions occur …

[PDF][PDF] Contestation between puritan Islam and Kejawen in the urban Yogyakarta of Indonesia

M Arifin, I Abdullah, AT Ratnawati - Al Albab, 2019 - academia.edu
ABSTRACT Tensions between Puritan Islam and Kejawen Islam have never been resolved,
despite various accommodation efforts. The ongoing contestation of the two traditions in …

Haji Dan Kegairahan Ekonomi: Menguak Makna Ibadah Haji Bagi Pedagang Muslim di Yogyakarta

M Muhlisin, M Mutho'in - Jurnal Penelitian, 2012 - repository.uingusdur.ac.id
Haji adalah ibadah eksklusif dan unik. Sekarang eksklusif karena tidak semua umat Islam
tidak perlu itu. Ini ritual hanya dilakukan oleh mereka yang memiliki kemampuan fisik …

[PDF][PDF] The business ethics of Kotagede's silver entrepreneurs from the kingdom to the modern era

MI Birsyada, SA Permana - Paramita: Historical Studies …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The silver business since the reign of Sri Sultan HB VIII has gained its position in driving the
economic progress of Kotagede's people. The silver industry, besides its economic values …