A taxonomy of external and internal attention

MM Chun, JD Golomb… - Annual review of …, 2011 - annualreviews.org
Attention is a core property of all perceptual and cognitive operations. Given limited capacity
to process competing options, attentional mechanisms select, modulate, and sustain focus …

The functional neuroanatomy of human face perception

K Grill-Spector, KS Weiner, K Kay… - Annual review of vision …, 2017 - annualreviews.org
Face perception is critical for normal social functioning and is mediated by a network of
regions in the ventral visual stream. In this review, we describe recent neuroimaging findings …

[图书][B] The border between seeing and thinking

N Block - 2023 - books.google.com
Philosopher Ned Block argues in this book that there is a" joint in nature" between
perception and cognition and that by exploring the nature of that joint, one can solve …

Coexisting representations of sensory and mnemonic information in human visual cortex

RL Rademaker, C Chunharas, JT Serences - Nature neuroscience, 2019 - nature.com
Traversing sensory environments requires keeping relevant information in mind while
simultaneously processing new inputs. Visual information is kept in working memory via …

Topographic representation of numerosity in the human parietal cortex

BM Harvey, BP Klein, N Petridou, SO Dumoulin - Science, 2013 - science.org
Numerosity, the set size of a group of items, is processed by the association cortex, but
certain aspects mirror the properties of primary senses. Sensory cortices contain …

[HTML][HTML] Visual field maps in human cortex

BA Wandell, SO Dumoulin, AA Brewer - Neuron, 2007 - cell.com
Much of the visual cortex is organized into visual field maps: nearby neurons have receptive
fields at nearby locations in the image. Mammalian species generally have multiple visual …

Two cognitive and neural systems for endogenous and exogenous spatial attention

AB Chica, P Bartolomeo, J Lupiáñez - Behavioural brain research, 2013 - Elsevier
Orienting of spatial attention is a family of phylogenetically old mechanisms developed to
select information for further processing. Information can be selected via top-down or …

Breakdown of functional connectivity in frontoparietal networks underlies behavioral deficits in spatial neglect

BJ He, AZ Snyder, JL Vincent, A Epstein, GL Shulman… - Neuron, 2007 - cell.com
Spatial neglect is a syndrome following stroke manifesting attentional deficits in perceiving
and responding to stimuli in the contralesional field. We examined brain network integrity in …

Neural basis and recovery of spatial attention deficits in spatial neglect

M Corbetta, MJ Kincade, C Lewis, AZ Snyder… - Nature …, 2005 - nature.com
The syndrome of spatial neglect is typically associated with focal injury to the
temporoparietal or ventral frontal cortex. This syndrome shows spontaneous partial …

Right hemisphere dominance during spatial selective attention and target detection occurs outside the dorsal frontoparietal network

GL Shulman, DLW Pope, SV Astafiev… - Journal of …, 2010 - Soc Neuroscience
Spatial selective attention is widely considered to be right hemisphere dominant. Previous
functional magnetic resonance imaging studies, however, have reported bilateral blood …