Mobile Business Intelligence assistant (m-BELA) for higher education executives

MI Afandi, ED Wahyuni… - 2019 4th International …, 2019 -
In the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 marked by the use of information technology, the
Internet in particular, university executives, as well as executives in companies, are often in …

University Research Graph Database For Efficient Multi-Perspective Data Analysis Using Neo4j

MI Afandi, ED Wahyuni - 2020 6th Information Technology …, 2020 -
In general, research-related data are modeled using a relational database optimized for
transaction processing. In many cases, this solution is effective and efficient enough to …

Implementation of Tabu Search Algorithm in Multi-Skilled Labor Scheduling for Assignment Problems

HK Gandhi - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020 -
This study discusses the multi-skilled labor scheduling to accomplish all tasks where each
labor has different skill to complete tasks than other labors. This case is known as the …