Suvremeno iseljavanje Hrvata u Njemačku: karakteristike i motivi

T Jurić - Migracijske i etničke teme, 2017 -
SAŽETAK U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja motiva i karakteristika novijih
iseljavanja Hrvata u Saveznu Republiku Njemačku. Prema percepciji samih iseljenika …

Deep demographic aging of Croatia-Predicting of natural population change with digital demography tools

T Jurić - Strategic Approach to Aging Population: Experiences …, 2021 -
This paper demonstrates a model for predicting natural population change (the number of
live births) with digital demography approaches. We demonstrate that this prediction model …

Demografsko starenje stanovništva Šibensko-kninske županije: grandparent boom

S Mrđen, D Barić - Geoadria, 2016 -
Sažetak U radu se analiziraju uzroci i značajke demografskog starenja stanovništva u
Šibensko-kninskoj županiji s pomoću osnovnih demografskih pokazatelja prema popisima …

Croatian Rural Futures in 2030: Four Alternative Scenarios for Postsocialist Countryside in the Newest EU Member State

A Lukić, PR Kaufmann, L Valožić… - Sustaining Rural …, 2023 -
The academic picture of a globalized European countryside, and particularly of rural areas
in postsocialist, new member states of the European Union, is one of huge and increasing …

Izvođenje indeksa demografske depresije primjenom GIS analize-primjer Međimurske županije

I Marić, S Mrđen, S Šiljeg - Stanovnistvo, 2020 -
Demografski razvoj Hrvatske veoma je nepovoljan. Već tri desetljeća obilježava ga
negativan prirodni prirast, fertilitet nedovoljan za zamjenu generacija, iseljavanje te izrazito …

Derivation of demographic depression index using GIS analysis-an example from Međimurje county

I Marić, S Mrđen, S Šiljeg - Stanovnistvo, 2020 -
Over the past three decades, Croatia has been experiencing a process of depopulation and
population aging. This is the result of demographic changes in the past, especially in the …

[PDF][PDF] A captive society and macro national system, corruption & demography

T Luković, D Piplica, T Jurić - 2023 -
The book “A captive society and macro national system, corruption and demography” came
as a logical result of many discussions and reflections among my friends and colleagues …

[PDF][PDF] Managing regional demographic polarisation in Croatia-the role of cohesion policy

L Tijanic, D Gombar - Economic and Social Development: Book of …, 2019 -
Croatian regions are faced with different types of development issues, where demographic
risks, including regional migrations, present important obstacles in attempts to achieve …

Demografsko starenje u Šibensko-kninskoj županiji

T Jurić, I Poljičak - Zbornik radova Veleučilišta u Šibeniku, 2015 -
Sažetak U radu se razmatra demografska dinamika na prostoru Šibensko-kninske županije
s posebnim osvrtom na demografsko starenje. Na temelju posljednjeg popisa stanovništva …

Uticaj demografskog starenja na ekonomski razvoj Republike Srpske

S Pašalić - Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije, 2017 -
The research subject are demographic changes that were notably determined by changes in
economic social, cultural, health and tehnical and tehnological development of Republic of …